
“And this offends you as a Jewish person?” “No, it offends me as a comedian.”

Very neat piece of foreshadowing with the dead man’s daughter wanting to kill Joel. Though I do hope that’s all it is, and they’re not actually setting this up to have her take Abby’s place.

The original plan was for five seasons, but then they were caught completely off guard with how long the first one took to make, and decided to cram the rest of the intended story into just one. Which makes me kind of nervous, but if anyone’s earned trust that they can pull it off, it’s this crew.

It makes me feel so good that the worst people in the world are so upset at all the awards this movie has gotten.

His role in Big Trouble is seriously underrated. The character was the worst part of the book, with Dave Barry apparently being insecure that the comedy alone could carry the whole story, so he threw in this completely serious and monstrous guy who destroys the tone every time he shows up. But Sonnenfeld and Sizemore

It’s especially gratifying to see the writer hit back so hard at the people who were upset that MODOK wasn’t a super dark and serious character.

There’s already a perfect Dead by Daylight movie. It’s called Cabin in the Woods.

I get the feeling it’s more like if any of those films had come first, it would be the one that everyone loved, and District 9 just had the good luck of being that one. Because the more films of his you watch, the more clear it is that “heavyhanded social analogy through sci-fi concept” is the only trick he knows.

The interesting thing is that James Ellroy himself loved how Black Dahlia turned out. At least the first cut before the studio insisted a bunch of stuff be taken out, which he’s never said anything about.

Frau Blucher?

I remember a ton of people complaining about how the Glee writers apparently couldn’t think of a single Asian last name besides Chang and used it for both Asian characters despite them not being related (and dating for a while).

A moose ate my sister.

I’m seeing some people online complaining about how short the episode was, which is something the show’s always been accused of, both in length and number of episodes. And my response has always been the same: would you rather it be like the Marvel Netflix shows, visibly struggling to stretch its story over a much

My mind immediately went to how Frank Oz’s Yoda voice is just Grover.

Weirdly racist joke with Karga acting like the Babu Friks speaking English with an accent makes them completely unintelligible. And no, putting a black guy in the role doesn’t make it better.

Plus Stephen Sommers in the commentary.

The book now even has a forward by Brian Herbert that talks about all the furious letters his dad got over Messiah.

It had quite a few alternate titles, like One Day of Fury in Brazil and Spain, Freefall in France, The Enraged in Quebec, and Rough Day in Finland.

See the movie, and maybe I’ll let what you have to say take up space in my head.

I recently watched it again, and realized the police chief was a young Arlo Givens.