
It’s significantly toned down from the games, presumably for budget, with just that one infected rather than a whole swarm.

Plus, the whole point in Huck Finn is that he’s a dumb kid who barely even comprehends the idea of fiction, so how is he supposed to grasp how offensive the word is?

She was just savvy enough to realize repeatedly zinging herself and her family was the only way to go.

That’s the book that Fleming himself hated so much he would literally only allow the title to be used for the film series, with a totally original story under it. Featuring the line “All women enjoy semi-rape.”

Plus maybe Fleming’s most notable non-Bond book, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Honestly, the movie’s plan never made much sense to me either. The gold is still there, and it’s never physically involved in paper currency transactions, so who cares if it’s radioactive?

I swear, at least half of Fleming’s work feels like it was written by an edgelord teenager desperate to get attention by owning the libs. Sample line from Felix Leiter in Live and Let Die: “This drink used to be called a Jigger, but now you have to call it a Jegro.”

Did we already forget the decade of jokes about “When is Thanos going to get his ass out of that char”?

Of course, the best part of that, given how things turned out, is Kamala Harris rooting for him to drop out.

  • I wonder what the contingency plan is for a possible Biden-Trump debate. Will James Austin Johnson play both parts somehow, or will he be forced to make a choice?

I’m mostly just curious if the first episode will make any attempt to explain why Grogu’s back for the fans who didn’t watch Boba Fett. That’ll say a lot about just what is being expected of us.

It doesn’t help that he died before all his intended scenes were filmed, including his big final speech which had to be dubbed by another actor.

many across the industry are preparing for the worst but hoping for the best.”

You fell victim to Poe’s Law.

The Sheik is mostly notable these days for standing as proof that Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey didn’t invent the concept of a female writer creating a bizarrely misogynistic story of a guy horribly abusing a woman until she falls in love with him.

One thing I’ve never been clear on: is he being accused as the person who pulled the trigger, or the movie’s producer? Because one is a much better case than the other.

Honorable mention for Audrey Hepburn’s Grammy-winning Enchanted Tales, which made her the only person to date to complete an EGOT after their death.

Now comes the really hard part of Zaslav’s job: what can he build to replace everything he cut out? So far, it doesn’t look promising.

Plus, Nick Frost as the lead giant was a bit shorter than the others. Fantastic gag all around.

Also, Matthew Rhys has a cameo in the first scene.