
Her not bothering to cover her nose with the mask was a great touch.

The best part of the defenders is their whole argument is “He’s a rich guy who’s a complete idiot, that has to be a reference to Musk!”

Given the timing of when the movie was made, I’m sure he wasn’t deliberately based on Musk, but it’s hilarious how Musk just happened to turn himself into an exact duplicate of the character just in time for the movie’s release.

Unforgiveable is mostly notable for vastly misjudging the current moment and portraying cops as, to quote Tom Servo, “blameless holy creatures.”

I kept meaning to check out Smallville, and now I missed my chance, because the prospect of spending ten goddamn seasons watching this show while no matter how good it is, I’ll always have in the back of my head that one of the main cast members is a real life monster, is just unfathomable.

I’m like, ‘It was a different time.’”

One of the few I’ve had a major problem with is The Greatest Showman, which is basically like if in a hundred years, someone makes a movie about the universally beloved hero of the common man Harvey Weinstein.

From the trailers, I honestly assumed they were doing a Moulin Rouge type thing, using modern stuff to give the target audience a more visceral impact of what this place felt like at the time.

The whole multiple endings thing means that it can’t be an actual mystery. Luckily, the comedy works so well that you won’t mind at all.

My favorite Agatha Christie story is The Murder of Roger Aykroyd, with truly one of the most mind-blowing killer reveals ever. The downside is that the very nature of the twist is impossible to replicate in a visual medium, so we’ll never get a good movie of it (the David Suchet series tried it, which is one of their

I literally have no idea what that teaser is going for, portraying a brown-skinned Velma as a parody of right ring anti-”woke” fandom whining about any characters who aren’t straight and white. Who we’re still supposed to like, apparently.

It was quite shocking to discover a sizable amount of her fanbase are insufferable gatekeepers who were horrified at the idea of people discovering her through Stranger Things.

Oh goody, Leia gets a whole bunch of queerbaiting in the trailer alone.

The Morbius guys turn to each other and say “We’re in big trouble.”

In Season 4, the Stranger Things main cast were 17, 17, 18, 19, 19, and 20. Maybe their looking too old is your problem, Mr. Cameron.

I can’t help but feel a slight tone of “See, all the people who made this show popular are idiots!”, no matter how true the basic concept is.

Just compare The Mob Song to the similarly-themed Savages from Pocahontas to see what we lost with Ashman’s death. From “We don’t like what we don’t understand, in fact it scares us, and this monster is mysterious at least” to “They’re not like you and me, which means they must be evil.”

Hopefully they’ve learned to be more discreet in sending prostitutes to the Golden Globes judges.

If dead people can be brought back in Na’vi bodies, why didn’t they just do that with Jake’s brother in the first place? There, I broke Avatar.