
The trouble is that you can’t have a character who can fly through a spaceship without a scratch helping out for long before the audience starts wondering “Why doesn’t she just instantly solve every problem?” Which is why I’m guessing some version of the comics storyline of Rogue permanently nerfing her is coming up.

Except the whole point of the movie is that she’s a blank slate, because her real personality has been buried under a mindwipe and Kree propaganda. The movie is about her slowly growing out of that and becoming her real self again. My favorite of these is the people who accuse the movie of not selling Jude Law’s

Plus, apparently all these people giving the “bad apples” excuse are forgetting the full saying is “A few bad apples spoil the whole barrel.”

While rewatching the first movie recently, it hit me that Randall is absolutely the kind of guy who’d say racist stuff about the new Little Mermaid. More to piss people off than because he actually believed it, but it still kind of wrecked the whole movie for me.

Red State was written with absolutely no idea where it was going, with Smith challenging himself to end every scene the second he knew what would happen next.

I got the impression the kid was a regular informant of Otto’s, like Varys will later have.

The best part is everyone got so focused on the new Ariel that they missed Scuttle is not only female, but a totally different kind of bird.

So, it’s Slings and Arrows?

My favorite is Bill Corbett: “I’m just saying it would be pretty cool if we now had a King Ralph situation.”

It must piss Inarritu off so much that Michael Keaton went right back to comic book movies.

Now playing

For comparison, this is him in the ‘80s.

I look forward to everyone discovering how crap the whole family really is, now that friendly grandma isn’t around to cover for it.

If you’re watching a Westeros show at this point expecting to not have to put a bit of work into getting the characters down, I don’t know what to tell you.

Also, in the book she’s a decade older than Rhaenyra.

And squeals like the Chamberlain from Dark Crystal for some reason.

I’d love to see her review of the first Blackadder series, with scenes like Blackadder giving his ten year old wife some milk before bed.

I love how in both shows, whenever a dragon shows up the opposing side gets this look like “Oh, I somehow completely forgot those things exist.”

This episode opens with a guy gleefully cheering for Daemon to rescue him before getting crushed by Daemon’s dragon, and later Rhaenyra forces a poor singer to play the same song over and over like an emo teen with their Spotify list. Anyone still complaining there’s absolutely no humor in this show?
