
Adding to the bunk: you can’t turn to the left in Ohio without seeing a Kroger here, as their world headquarters is in Cincinnati- they have 198 stores here alone. Meijer, conversely, has a grand total of 258 stores nationwide, with the largest number of them being in the state of Michigan with 119 and Ohio is next

Pretty sure the moment she played it some invisible door opened up and a treasure chest appeared somewhere.

I have been an advocate for physical media FOREVER, in all of its previous forms- DVD, CD, MD, cartridges- mostly because of the tactile experience of taking a cellophane package, opening it and savoring the contents. CDs had liner notes, and games were awesome because they came with booklets and posters- and the act

Pretty sure that Taylor Hawkins was 100% not born in 1952. Also, he most likely did not die in the year of our lord 202.

In the non-politics category of people I just want to go away he’s gotta be in the top five. Only reason I can’t call him a clear #1 is because that is a very unpleasant group of people to think about and I just don’t want to.

I think I’ve seen most of his movies, but man, they sure are an uneven lot. I tend to like them, even though I will admit that most of them are not what I would classically call... “good”. For example: Old. Old was fun, but it was also silly and dumb and while I was entertained I couldn’t possibly watch it again. Must

Can’t say I blame her, and am a bit jealous of her ability to exist wherever she wants to at any time. If it were up to me I’d live in a different place every year. 

Totally tracks for the proprietor of a Christian school to be not-so-keen on books. I have many questions for the parents of kids forking over $15K to attend the school of a man who decries book learnin’ and hates delicious vegetables.

I dunno... that cat’s crazy but I kinda dig the look. Not sure what that says about me.

“Joker” = “Jester”

From the short clip I saw, this really doesn’t feel like parody- it just feels like someone used other people’s IPs to create a unique story set in the universe of that IP. While it’s clear that they invested a whole lot of time, money, care and love into this project- not sure it was the smartest idea, and

No idea it’s a true, but it’s definitely a great story. :)

What a stupid law. Not all homicides are created equal. Should be some discretion allowed when assigning restitution. Glad people care enough to be able to help her out with that.

Pikmin holocausts are absolutely no bueno lol- but I find the brief moments of tension are what makes the gentle relaxing focus that it otherwise requires even more calming. I get it’s not everyone’s jam, but it was one of my faves on the Gamecube and remains one to this day.

It’s definitely not the longest title, but in my 50's my gaming habits have changed dramatically from what they were in my 20's and 30's and even my 40's (i.e. I have a lot more grownup shit to do that depletes my gaming time). Having something that I can noodle at for short periods over the course of a few months

On the subject of fried rice, J. Kenji over at Serious Eats introduced me to a life-changing cooking hack: if I don’t have day-old leftover rice on hand (which is almost always the case) I make fresh rice, then scrape it onto a giant cookie sheet and then place a fan on it for about an hour. The moving air cools and dr

I don’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks- Pikmin is one of my all-time favorite video game series and has never failed to lull me into a sense of zen and calm even as I try to rally all of my little buds before night falls and the creatures eat them. I am as excited for this as I am for the new Zelda or

I love this take! I can just imagine you as an eleven-year-old bemoaning the nonsensical parts of that pic, and it tickles me to no end. Sometimes the best takes are 30+ year old lol

That was Coke Life! Came in a green can. It was... interesting. It was also significantly more expensive than Coke Zero, far less available and quickly forgotten about. You may have liked it.

Being poor and mentally ill would suck incredible balls- limited access to treatment, doctors, meds and a system that is for the most part not designed to make it easy for you. However, I think that being mentally ill and preposterously rick is even worse, because even though you have access to all of those things you