To my complete consternation via reddit sub, people actually care about this band.
To my complete consternation via reddit sub, people actually care about this band.
There used to be this amazing video on Youtube where NY was promoting the Pono Music Player which was installed in like an El Camino that was commandeered by Young. It was basically this big commercial for the Pono Music Device that was installed in the El Camino which kept wowing the famous people Young picked up to…
Wah ):
I'm pretty sure there's audio of this somewhere because he left a Voicemail (IIRC), when he invoked the term disgusting pig to describe his daughter - it's cool, though, apparently, because he was really great in like, Beetlejuice.
Not defending any of these characters, specifically - I thought all of them were supposed to be fairly deplorable, with very little redeeming qualities.
I also heard the Dismemberment Plan got an 8/10 for being like wicked nice dudes.
Recall lasting on this show approximately as long as my first sexual encounter.
We need to know why you don't own the Screaming Females.
Well imperialist American college students can't just go like traipsing the world with their stupid backpacks and killing people w/o getting wut for.
At 00:41 - synchronized juke.
I'm going to avoid the dogmatic finding validity in any aspect of this lame cultural experience and say that I would rather stay home.
That one Trump reminds me of Michael Pitt in Funny Games.
KOC: a prolonged television commercial for a fragrance depicting the olfactory intensity of Christian Bale's nightlife.
In the words of Dennis Hopper in the cinematic masterpiece Blue Velvet, I would like to submit, "Fuck that shit, Pabst Blue Ribbon."
It does beg the question of what this euphemism is beginning to mean, which in most applied contexts becomes an obvious invocation of its user, who feels threatened by and/ or does not understand the subject matter being discussed. Lester Bangs made a t-shirt about this once.
Did they bring the hot hot heat?