4 ACL's & Counting

Attitudes of young people nowdays are vastly different than say, 10 years ago. Most every teenager knows someone who is LGBTQ and coming out as a teen is now commonplace. LGBTQ is no longer anything that the next generation gets worked up about (unless you’re some sort of backward brainwashed religious zealot); so

Some things are bigger than the game. I hope he and his family are doing alright.

Grew up in SFla and 2 Live Crew/Tipper Gore/Sherrif Nick Navarro controversy was in full gear at the time. The sheriff of the county arrested at least 10 record store owners for selling their music. He also sent cops to threaten any record store that carried their records with arrests for disseminating obscenity

+1 with a pair of Yeezys

CSN Chicago must be nominated for a Pulitzer. Holy shit, that made my day!

Both of them are punch-drunk trashbags: one who couldn’t read the side of a milk carton if his name were printed on it, and a shithead racist Irishman who looks like the guy in pub who gets trashed on Jamey at 3 in the afternoon on a Tuesday and plays nothing but Dropkicks and Flogging Molly records on the jukebox for

+1 and a set of bitchin’ new Vans

Jake Phelps looks like a slightly hipper, younger version of Gary Busey. And now he has a matching head injury.

the residents of Asgard, Queens would disagree

Mueller noticed.

all the members of Congress get a free subscription to HUSTLER. Barron can just ask Paul Ryan all nice-like.

unless they were putting hair plugs on his chest, it can’t/doesn’t.

If given the choice between getting stoned with Joe Buck and ACL replacement surgery, the latter is arguably more tempting.

He looks like a half-bit stage actor who did a shit ton of Off-Broadway and somehow nabbed an audition for “American Psycho” but lost it to Christian Bale and has been throwing footballs out of his daddy’s trailer ever since.

this would give Bryce Harper a major boner.

I’m convinced Judge is from a parallel universe, and is in fact Derek Jeter after being zapped by gamma rays and bitten by a radioactive spider.