4 ACL's & Counting

One can only hope that Judge will inspire a generation of hulking young men to play baseball instead of destroying their brains by playing football.

My new ringtone!

Christie is the living embodiment of the phrase “fat fuck”.


I can kind of see Lena Dunham throwing copies of Miranda July books at Lamby as he peed on her Muji bolster.

The Mets will be trading for Rosa.

I want what you had for breakfast.

Thank you. I have Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a genetic collagen disorder that causes laxity in tendons, ligaments, and in my case — hollow organs and veins. Im not upset when i blow an ACL any more — at least its not my aorta.

“A quadriceps tendon tear often occurs when there is a heavy load on the leg with the foot planted and the knee partially bent. Think of an awkward landing from a jump while playing basketball. The force of the landing is too much for the tendon and it tears.”

Yeah, upon replay its pretty clear she had a quad tendon rupture. Super unusual and *extremely* rare injury that is precipitated when you slide with a bent knee and planted foot. Usually only happens in people over 40. Its a doozy of an injury.

apologies: forgot the “almost” in front of “Always”

Thats why the ACL tearing is always a non-contact injury — the ACL absorbs torque and essentially “stays put” while everything else moves around it (think of it as a stabilizer bar/sway bar) Depending on muscular activation at the time of the point of impact, that determines how much it “gives”. She could do a

oof. Patellar tendon/ACL then. She’ll be in surgery in an hour.

if her patellar tendon ruptured, yes; and she will get a “Swiss Army knee” to put it back in place (a lot of screws and a small metal plate)

Having done it FOUR times now (and currently waiting for surgery), I’ll hedge a bet it was her ACL — it looks like the typical “non-contact” tear. And yes, it hurts; but the screams are more the raw expression of the sinking knowledge that you’re totally fucked for the next year of your life. I feel terrible for her

Now playing

“Every morning, he jogs the 47 miles from his two-bedroomed, eight-bathroomed, six up, two down, three to go house in Rygate to the Government Pesticide Research Centre at Shoreham. (pause) Nobody knows why.”

An“open” tear indicates the tendon has fully sheared off the kneecap and tibia below it. The surgery was done immediately due to the risk of 1) bone fragments coming off with the tendon and 2) those fragments floating into other parts of the leg; risking infection and further damage.

As a member of the 4-time ACL tear club, I am sending him lots of good mojo and hope he has a healthy recovery.