4 ACL's & Counting

Dog has heard your prayers (via NOLA)

I don’t really follow college football, but Hugh Freeze and Houston Nutt? Is this a fucing Sorkin script?

LeBron is leaving. This is all the proof you know. Get out while you still have as much value as you do, and see if you can do something with somebody else. But if LeBron leaves and it’s just him and Love, he’s going to get exposed.

President Uncle Rico

This video is from the same stadium as the beer chugging girl.

Dump the asshole who yanks the cup out of her hand to take credit for the ball. Believe me, he’ll only become more of a controlling asshole, not less.

If you are stupid enough, in America’s moral climate, to do *anything* that might even *hint* at being questionable on a state/employer/whoeverthefuckcanbeFOIAed phone, you deserve every ounce of idiocy that will rain down on your idiot head for being an idiot.

Could be a great Mythbusters episode. Miss that show.

We put all their dry food in a plastic container with a latching lid after we caught one of them tearing into the bag. My cats are savages that do not respect authority.

I’m pretty sure mine is a hobbit in disguise, considering that 20 minutes after every meal, he comes back meowing as if to say, “What about second breakfast?”

My late cat, Fatty (named that for the obvious reasons), would tear open the kibble bags and gorge himself if I left them out. So I started putting them in a cabinet. He figured out how to open the cabinet. Fatty was a fat bastard.


As a cat owner, that looks like an absolutely gigantic pain in the ass to feed your cat. I’m not hunting down some toy mouse every morning and afternoon to fill with kibble for them. It’s bad enough I have two cats I have to portion control how much they eat and another that has to get different prescription food. Do

First the Liberty Bell, now this. The whole point of owning a cat is that they’re relatively unmessy. Keep on fucking up, Philly.

I’m flying into Boston this Thursday, for the weekend...I think I’m just going to avoid talking about sports to anyone in that city. Good lord

It just goes to show, if you want to be successful in this league, you need to be a sterling example of what an athlete represents. You know, committing domestic violence, illegal animal fighting rings, drug and alcohol abuse, blowing all your money well before you’re even out of the league. All top qualities a player

I can’t wait til Kaep caves, goes out and punches a woman and murders a few dogs and immediately gets offers from multiple NFL teams.

Not pictured: Jason Whitlock masturbating furiously off-camera

Yeah it’s definitely F1 or NASCAR.

The Skins Really Couldn’t Have Played This Kirk Cousins Situation Any Worse