Ryan J

That’s not the American way...we take a photo and insta, face, or snap it...but you know, tolerance and stuff.

Smart phones are essential to finding jobs? Did I really just read that? A cell phone may be considered essential now that we have to be accessible 24/7. There is no logical need for anyone to NEED a smartphone.

hmm interesting, i wonder if that’s what the WD stands for...and maybe the 40 is the 40th recipe? maybe?

As long as leagues demand sky-high “rights fees” consumers will continue to cut the cord. I’d be fine not watching NBA basketball. Football would be the only sport i’d keep but i’d rather pay for the NFL ticket for 5 months and supplement with Over air antenna than pay an extra $100/month for cable TV. The cable tv

So this is pretty fantastic...

Well, thank god they got that off their chests. You know they’ll all head to the bahamas for two months while the issues in the urban cities just continues to get worse. I’m sure it helps their conscience, though.