
@dagamer34: Probably. With the patents they can maybe win the litigation war. They make more from cellphone patent lawsuits than from their windows mobile division.

@geolemon: I actually think it came earlier with the BB Storm. How was that supposed to compete against the iPhone? ....

@snapper.fishes: That's exactly what I thought. I was so disappointed. Why a mobile handset provider would create a tablet without a 3g/4g modem is beyond me. Retarded.

Don't the chinese have a ton of russian jets?

The only reason you would smash it is if you have something to hide! If that's how it occurred, then the police should be arrested and charged with whatever the local equivalent to obstruction of justice and destroying evidence is.

Here's an idea. Don't run from the police.

"I only found out years later more than a few girls had crushes on me during college and I was too stupid to see that they did. (Edit comment) "

Seagate has something pretty close to that for laptops. They go up to 500GB 7200RPM . But only have 4GB of NAND memory.

"If a company doesn't get any of the benefits derived from state spending why should they have to pay state taxes?"

I wonder what kind of financial situation he was in when she died and he was 76 ish. It's not like he could just go get a job to cover the difference. They were likely fixed income. The cost difference of living in a home by yourself or with a partner is very little so loosing 1/2 your income would mean he would have

They bylaw they're implementing caps the sound of vehicle at 96 decibels. Do you know how loud that is? There's really no reason to have bikes or crappy import cars with louder exhausts. Want to be more visible? BUY A SUV. Until then drive with caution and rely on your agility.

#3 the owner of a crappy import car with a sound amplifying muffler.

I hope they're banned next time.

13 year olds have killed people. School shootings? heck there are 5 year olds that go to school and shoot classmates. How was this not due diligence?

Nothing is 100% safe. People die constructing and maintaining wind mills (plus birds, oh the birds!) and the products that create solar cells are often toxic. Hydro dams kills people in the construction, maintenance and the spillways when stupid people enter the danger areas. Not to mention the damage of one failing

How much?


I use tape and post-it notes

That just reminded me of this blog post. basically the guy gets screwed and attitude from a snowboard shop.