

@pand0ra: You're crazy. As a person who looks at your nation from the outside. It's been in a mess and steady spiral down since Bush took "won" the presidency.

That's just stupid.

@terlan: More likely they'll include an Apple version at some point.

I hate it. The worst is if someone responds to a comment and you click the notification then it takes you to the page but no the responce. grrr. And the stupid bar on the right that doesn't scroll with the screen. Annoying.

Awesome. Sounds like a great plan now that they've completely gotten rid of downloading from torrent sites. /sarcasm

Unless the owners knew there were existing structural flaws in the building and did nothing to fix them. Then they would be liable.

Yeah except the fact they were told two years ago by international inspectors (who have no enforcement power) their water pumps were vulnerable and additional measures should be taken. Then did nothing.

@The Lab: I think there's been a large uptick in world news everywhere lately. Last years big events were what? Economy, Haiti. We're three months into this year and Japans crippled and the african/midle east rim is in chaos.

@buckleyneko: That does sound nice. Too bad it's accompanied by fear, intimidation and no human rights. Kind of makes it hard to enjoy a simple life free from "Starbucks or McFat" when you can't get food for you family and when you complain you're tortured or simply disappear.

This chart shows shipment statistics using Billions of dollars. Of course this shows the market declining. They need to show a chart with the music sales by volume. I would bet that the number of sales has actually increased over this same period. The while the total revenue has dipped. Prices have come down from $25

@topsully: This is why HBO and Showtime are so awesome. The money comes from viewers watching the content not advertisers.

I don't get why they have a $1 limit.

That's amazing that a sealed mansion in France survived WWII and the Nazi looting.

@jinushaun: Maybe the old man should have minded his own buisness. It's not his kid. He has no control over what other people do. He's either crazy or a bully. Maybe both.

This kid needs to meet up with Wally Wallington of Flint, Michigan. He's got a simple technique for moving multi ton stone blocks on his own with only a couple sticks and some small stones he places under one end. Maybe they used wood stones on the rails and carved stone ones under the blocks as pivot points.

@Hello Mister Walrus: The Gov or "Anonymous"? I personally think the Gov pressuring private companies who control internet financial empires into not associating themselves with a private organization is wrong. Since the Gov can’t legally do anything to shut down the site with due process. The DDoS attacks are the

@Festering Bovine: It's not like Gizmodo linked to the website to download LOIC. Seems like it's a perfectly fine article about a technological event which is occurring right now. I don't see anything in the article advocating LOIC user. It's a bit like writing an article about target shooting. You don't have to add

@higherspeed: I think they're a good tool. I think a lot of police use them when they're feeling lazy. Have you see the video of the 300lb guy who the police are arresting. He lays down on the ground on and puts his hands on top of his head as soon as the police pull up. He's too big for them to put standard hand

@Ryan: I loved 24. My only issue with it was he's Jack Bower. How are you not listinging to every word he says. No one ever believes him at first. I'm like he stopped what 3 nukes, bio/ chem attacks, assasinations, drug rings, organized crime basically on his own and you don't want to give him 30 seconds to explain