
The US makes payments to families of civilians who lose property and/or loved ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yeah except they're trying to change that. The conservative party in Canada is trying to do away with the pay per vote system currently in place and replace it with an unlimited donation system exactly like the US. When corporation pay billions to your elected who's interests do you think they'll look out for.

Do you mean natives like native American's in the US? Because if that's where you're going your comparison is not accurate.

Maybe if the cost of your four year education hadn't been inflated to 200k you would be in a better spot now. The fight against high tuition's was one of the big issues the "occupy" movement had brought up.

He's got better things to do with this time. Like giving 50%+ of his wealth to charity and convincing others to do the same.

Your argument is ridiculous. In a thread about the pill you're arguing about rape and child molestation due to the inability of people to have self control. I would argue people who are capable of rape have mental illnesses. They need to be removed from society and treated clinically. It's not a matter of self control

Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) & Blackberry Messenger (BBM) are free E-Mail services RIM provides to customers. They run on RIMS servers. For corporations they also sell Blackbery Enterprise Servers (BES) which connect to Microsoft Exchange Servers and handles the corporations mail securely and internally. BES also

True not all companies use them. I love our new BES for administration. We run BB, iphone and soon android through ours.

You sound like lots of fun.

My BBM is down which sucks but corporate E-Mail is still working because it runs through a BES.

How old is that person 60? Lets see one with a 22 year old model.

Samsung is bigger, has more buttons on it. Flat and black are the only thing they have in common.

I don't think their devices look the same. They're two devices which preform the same function. Of course there's some overlap in the general design. They're rectangular and flat oooo. Get over it.

MMM Panda Veal Chops.

I like Blackberry but the playbook was a terrible idea. A cellular communications company which makes a tablet which doesn't have cellular capabilities. The second I heard it a year before they released it I said it would fail. The playbook should have been 3G/4G capable. Without that it's just not usable.

I really hope (doubt) they'll release it without the key features blackberries have had since they first came out.

Yeah except it's hard to feel bad for cops who send E-Mails like

Samsung needs to buy Archos. Archos has been making flat, black rectangular tablets for more than 10 years.

They'll use it the same way tear gas effects innocents. Sorry you were in the wrong place but you were told to leave.