What’s the point of a live action adaptation? Everything looks like bad cosplay to me.
What’s the point of a live action adaptation? Everything looks like bad cosplay to me.
Cool, don't fucking tell me what to do.
I did this late last year on every site that offered it, and I’ve yet to hear from one of them.
Yeah, part of me wonders if he was going to drop an N-bomb and caught himself only to drop the K word instead.
Finally, he will no longer be dogged by claims that he’s not a Real Gamer
Actually, the unicorn was Ross Perot.
Same for me. I love a good RPG, but I can’t handle the anime-ness of JRPGs. Even FF7R, which I loved, was just too much. Why do all the characters look like children? Why are all the females hypersexualized children? Why is everything so goofy?
I think it kind of depends for me. I think JRPGs can be a lot more tedious and impenetrable if I’m not really the particular JRPG in question, but I never really get into WRPGs as much as I get into some JRPGs. I guess I’d say if you picked a random WRPG and a random JRPG I might be more likely to enjoy the WRPG than…
Depends on the game but probably mostly Western ones due to how obnoxious and overly-complicated JRPGs historically could be (plus some of their content to this day is... questionable). But the best Western made but more Japanese style RPG I ever played (and no one else did it seems) was Summoner 2.
I mean, if strategy surprises you try booting up Baldur’s Gate in 2020 and seeing how far you get with a wizard. Strategy’s always been a big part of the series, but now it’s turn-based instead of needing to press the spacebar every six seconds.
I’m pretty much the opposite. I find Planescape and BG2's combat to be pretty weak. The story and characters are enough to save them (especially Torment’s) but even later on when I was more powerful and had access to busted magic it just never clicked with me.
Meanwhile I love the combat in Divinity, especially the…
Shocked to see Chris D’Elia has been accused of being a comedian.
You’re gonna wanna start from the sort of pizza you’re thinking of and work from there. Sauce varies a lot with regional style.
But if you want thick, smooth, and umami/caramelized. I’d say make sure to start with tomatoes that don’t have any calcium chloride in them, it’s a firming agent that’ll leave things chunkier…
That’s stupid. I do it because I want to not because the internet told me to.
I stopped snacking a long time ago because snacking was one of the main things that made me fat. If I have snacks I will eat them...all. Same goes with ice cream. So, very few if any snacks and an ice cream bar every couple of weeks. WAY healthier than a whole bag of chips or half gallon of ice cream in one…
God forgive me, but I hope that means he stops tomorrow.
But skeptics and critics love to cherry pick Leviticus as “proof” that Judeo-Christian beliefs are nuts.
Yeah, and it fucking sucks, too.