
You either pay upfront with taxes or insurance, and you may also pay some direct charges after the fact (or not), but every responsible adult should know there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

I turn the cell phone data off if the kid starts creeping over 3GB. I wasn’t watching one month, and she got in a whole 12GB. Thank Crom for roll-over data. And most wifi routers have dual channels. I give the kid the password to one, and have everything else run off the second. Then when she’s being a brat and

Yes, yes it is. I’ve done it. My kid is fine. Some aren’t so lucky.

There was a good article about several similar cases, in The Atlantic, I think? What typically happens is not that the parent simply forgets the child is there, but more a case of forgetting that the child hasn’t been dropped off. The parent is in a habitual routine of dropping off the child at day care on the way to

Two reasons why you’re a shit heel:

This is the scam. They pay, they take the item then get it reversed. PayPal can suck a bag of dicks - they provide basically NO protection for sellers.

want to fight global poverty? End U.S. and European farm subsidies and let African farmers compete in the American and European markets (I know, it will never ever happen.)

The only part that’s trolling is calling it a ‘gift’ - you’re contributing to a charity that you support and making a statement about your opinion; it’s entirely self-serving.

I open multiple bank accounts with Ally to help with this. For example new phones. I know I’m going to purchase a new phone roughly every 2 years. So I have a separate bank account named “New Phone Fund” and I put roughly $30 a month into it. After 2 years I have $720 to find a phone, which is enough to upgrade me to

Sure: Pink Topped Punching Lady, aka White Trash Russian with a twist:

Ingredients: Redbull, 1 2/3 oz Grain alcohol, 1 oz Fresh cream, 1/8 tsp red KoolAid powder.

“(And recall some math: average means half the debt slaves are above that number.)“

There are official ways to fix the Constitution and Article II has been amended several times in the past. While this compact is legal since it’s a voluntary multi-state compact plus taking advantage of the EC language in the Constitution itself, my issues was attempts to pass Federal legislation to alter Article II,

If the compact ever comes into fruition, that it represents 270 or more electoral votes, and they vote for the national majority a few things will happen.

You’re either an excited Zelda fan or a terrible heart surgeon.

but he has every right to? he (probably purposely) lives in a neighborhood with no HOA for the very reason of being able to do this. it’s a trailer.

I guess that also explains why Drake and Steph are about half as freaked out as Chappelle.

/r/childfree is over there, bro

1) Only fucking assholes use the term ‘breeder.’ Grow up.

I heard one time about a mechanic who accidentally got some brake fluid in his mouth, and realized he liked the taste. It started a little bit at a time, but a couple of weeks later, he was drinking four or five bottles a day, having developed a preference for DOT 3. His friends and coworkers held an intervention to

How can they overturn a Supreme Court decision? What’s the specific mechanism they’d use to do that? The court doesn’t just reverse itself or amend its decisions later. There would need to be a new case. What’s the argument that would flip what was already a 5-4 decision by a conservative court?