
Yeah, I bet all of those people who are getting attacked by dogs, rapists, etc are thinking “I’m glad I don’t have a gun right now, I’d hate to offend Pending Approval on Lifehacker. This life changing pain is worth it”.

Well once I start trying to bite you to death, feel free to shoot me. I rather like all of my limbs in tact. If that makes me a pussy, so be it, but at least I will still have all of my fingers to flip you off.

Shoot it.

Counterpoint: No. Screw the hateful day star. Driving to work directly into the rising sun and/or driving home directly into the setting sun is infinitely more miserable than doing either in the dark.

My favorite tactic starts out like this:

No. Don’t blame the victim. Do not put this on her. The reason the CEO can party on like a rock star is he trains employees to prey on people. My neighbor, in her 60's is a sweet, widowed, kind human being who was a target for this type of nonsense. The salesman must have sensed her nature and had her thinking he

Going down the list:

I prefer this visualization, courtesy of XKCD:

Well then who the fuck else is going to touch all my genitals?


Because nothing says “We’re here to serve and protect the community” like a police car you can’t see.

An old friend of mine was/is a TSA agent at Logan airport and told me this:

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Ed Harris from The Rock? He wanted those VX rockets pretty bad...

Don’t think it’s possible for me to comprehend why they said no to $740 million. When an established OEM in the industry offers you nearly a billion dollars for your one-trick-pony of a company... You fucking take it, that’s called winning.

This isn’t hard, you sell the car. Go buy a $2500 Camry. Get you financial house in order, and focus on your kid and finding a new job. You don’t need some fancy European car to impress people you don’t even like. Next time you buy a $60k car, pay cash.

I don’t know all of the details, but if you’re unemployed maybe buying ANY car on a loan isn’t the best path forward. I assume you’re looking for work, or maybe picking up freelance or contract work to make ends meet, and likely have a second income as you’re expecting a kid soon. Maybe you could buy a cheap beater on

So, you want military to be completely transparent with its operations in the middle of a war?
Ever heard of “operations security”?

“Trump has been vocal about dismantling the United States trade policies and focusing on “America first” nationalism.”