Q: What’s blue and red, but green all over?
A: The KU offense watching special teams highlights next week.
Q: What’s blue and red, but green all over?
A: The KU offense watching special teams highlights next week.
Yes, lets subvert democracy...that will save it. What about a military coup? Or lets just imprison half the country? I hope that was a joke, and if it wasn’t....what is your stance on gun control? All those people who say we need guns in case we need to rise up against a tyrannical government, not so crazy now? …
Don’t even start with that. We have this process for a reason, and that is for the peaceful transfer of power safely and legally. Learn to deal with stuff you don’t personally like, and work within the process. Republicans did it with Obama by taking the Senate, do the same in 2 years.
Yes, do stop right there, because if you thought HRC would have had a problem with people saying #NotMyPresident and #RiggedElection before...
I dont think this shows the difference between a broke and a ‘rich’ budget, I think it shows the difference between dreaming and reality.
Please allow me to blow your mind:
So you’re an advocate for an artificially regulated automarket that isn’t allowed to function properly on a supply and demand type of system? You’re mistake is thinking that because we reduce emission standards, CAFE regulations and so forth, that American car companies will simply stop giving a shit about progression…
She didn’t do that for you. (The roof and painting). She did it to maintain her property. You’re just giving her money to use her property. Unless she’s doing something specifically for you, like baby sitting or something I’d ask for a reimbursement (especially if it isn’t stated in your lease that you’re…
Bourgeois Merchant Marines Keep Proletariat from Reclaiming the Products of their Labor
Don’t blame the victim.
Oh yeah, I would definitely do so, but hopefully that’s the first and last time for me. I thought about calling it in still, since how many baby blue ‘89-ish Cutlass Sierras were there within 500 miles of me at that time?
I am talking about theft. You are probably liable if your child or someone else’s child climbs into your car and turns the ignition if you left the keys in the car.
Well no, it is still technically theft because someone took property that wasn’t theirs, and the perpetrator should still be held responsible because you know...that had a choice to not take someone else’s car, but yeah you are dumb if someone takes your car with the keys in it.
“taking money from the rich to give to the poor, through taxes, regulations, or guns, depending on their taste”
honestly, it’s not.
It’s okay, those who cannot afford a new safe car can just pile on an old used scooter and get splattered by an overloaded lorry.
Our private healthcare system is great, if you have the money. The private/public hybrid, where some people get public options, while most don’t is broken. We subsidize Medicare twice, once through taxes, and once through increased premiums and healthcare costs, since Medicare reimburses far less than private…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Big Brother is not coming from the right, he’s coming from the left.
Here we have an article about monopsony where the author doesn’t bother to define the term and probably doesn’t know what the term means. It means the market has one *buyer* for a particular good, the counterpart of “monopoly” where there is one *seller* for a particular good. (It is not “monopoly-lite, when one…
Oh phew, you meant your girlfriend of your late teens, not your “late girlfriend.” OK! Mazel tov to you and your family!