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    A few things:

    It's a throwback to the old loading screens of the classic era of video games.

    Will Arnett?

    If Tractor Pulling is legit, why can't Burnouts be too?

    I saw this on ebay a few days ago and my brain was confused for 2.5 seconds by the difference in front ends.

    Another cringe-tastic SBC movie....

    Now playing

    Something about mid 90's Jonathan Pyrce seems right.

    F*ing prawns!

    I go a step further, install Sandboxie and update their internet desktop shortcut to look like IE. Since they rarely download files, this prevents a ton of issues.

    These guys are one in the same when it comes to sexual deviance.

    Two things:

    What a waste, every shot ends up filtered to all hell with Hipstamatic.

    I drive past this every day. In the summer it smells like 30,000 dried out, crap filled toilets. No cabin air filter in the world can counter this smell.

    Drove an automatic and drove my foot through the floorboard, Flinstone stopped. Also ripped off the shifter clean off, broke trans mount and saw the trans in my rear view mirror.

    Osmosis Jones?

    Waiting for a Chrysler 300C with two HEMI blocks welded together to be spotted in a few months....

    I personally don't mind a little splash. A poor man's bidet if you will..

    The thumbnail on the left makes it look like some bare cheeks with a thong down the middle, who's with me?

    The only saving grace is if they refer to HD in the Heavy Duty sense. In the cleaning product world I think of Heavy Duty before I think High Definition.