
Why is everything gorgeous? Enough with the use of gorgeous already!

Is the BBC not publicly funded, where as NBC relies on advertisements for revenue?

Why would anyone invest in a company whose captain admits his company is in a downward spiral? He did say he brought in outside consultants to build the brand, so he's not completely staying the course.

Does anyone expect any CEO to publicly acknowledge his company has problems?

My original iPad is horribly slow as it is, apps crash all the time especially Safari. Still does everything I need it to though. Better tabbed browsing would be the only thing I wish was improved.

Backpack? I know they're useful but something about them conjures up images of urban hipster douches.

I find that the darker skin tones on these models make the bikini's pop more due to their vibrant colors. I think if the models had lighter skin tones than the product would maybe not stand out as much, which is kinda what the ad is trying to do, no?

At that point you just get cable and a DVR. and it'll be much cheaper.

I hate when people say this show hasn't been funny since "insert decade here". Some sketches are great some not so much, some episodes are great others not as much, some cast members are great others not so much. The same thing can be said about any period of the show. Watch old episodes in their entirety, not every

This tells me they have no better means of spending this money than to simply give it back to their shareholders, which means they either have doubts about their growth potential or way too much money.

I would have said the Fonz....Heyyyyyy!!!

I get the feeling this was the work of a large team of highly intelligent individuals rather than a single designer.

I actually find that most cashiers have the major fruits and vegetable codes memorized, its really only when you start getting into the more specific varieties of things that they need to look it up. And will this tech be able to differentiate between Honeycrisp and Fuji apples?

The guy was a criminal who sent himself engines worth $3000 surely he could have done the same thing to get an iMac, or used stolen credit cards which he also dabbled in.

Why have it all in one place? Rent a few apartments and spread it out, no?

In other news, Canada files for Chapter 11.

Read about "Level 5 Leadership" by Collins in HBR, it argues the exact opposite of what you just said.

They should call it iTorrent.

I feel like I've read this comment before.

I'm not completely in love with the graphics, they should sell additional stickers that can stick over the controller to give it a different design. Perhaps someone will make one that looks like an NES or SNES controller, or have graphics from retro games.