
Raspberry Pi

Damn, Vancouver hipsters

Correct me if I'm wrong, as I am no lawyer, but isn't everyone entitled to an attorney and isn't it the attorney's job to defend that client regardless of innocence? I guess I just don't understand why they want to punish the law firm for doing their job. Can someone enlighten me?

I also hail from Canadia but live in the U.S now, but I see many people swear by their BB's. I haven't had one since the original Pearl but I think for a simple phone they're pretty nice. I would choose a BB over a lower-end Android.

First of all, people shitting on walls is not exclusively enjoyed at McDonalds, I worked at a grocery store in high school and many times found shit on the walls and so it has nothing to do with the company, people are just pigs. And why would a guy share a story where HE is the one who re-wraps the burger that falls

It's The Toronto Star, largest newspaper in Canada.

It's actually The Toronto Star and from my understanding it's a fairly reputable newspaper, with the highest circulation in Canada. I would not hesitate to believe a story they print, though I'm from Toronto and maybe biased.

You should see how atrocious student handwriting skills are today already without doing all their work on an iPad. Plus do you really think they would simply eliminate all paper in schools forever?

I predict a new trend of student muggings sweeping the nation after iPads have been bought by the school districts

They should really make these textbooks supplementary when purchasing a hard copy. I would never want to solely have a digital copy of a text book but could see it coming in handy for certain instances.

Along with putting things into my own words to help them make sense to me, rather than simply copying text word for word.

If I'm not mistaken but doesn't algae spew most of the oxygen on earth, something like 65%?

Meh, Allan Gummi Bears or nothing

"What's that, we're going to War? Dump the cargo!"

Am I the only one who didn't think it was that bad? He was just having some fun! And even though the brunette started shaking her booty does not mean an invite to start grinding her, that would have been embarrassing and creepy.

What makes you say that? Networks/Studios want to maximize revenues, if they thought they could do that by having their products for purchase in as many places as possible wouldn't that be the case? There is obviously some rhyme or reason for them to think that that is not true and so they limit access to their shows.

inexorably, bunt, maximal...never hurts to have a pocket dictionary handy when reading Gizmodo

There are actually entire websites dedicated to the building of arcade cabinets of all shapes and sizes, mini ones included!

He did say the best "communication device", which I interpret as best at actually making calls, texting, BBM, email, etc. To which I believe is a legitimate claim.

My University spends $300,000+/year providing free printing via two printers for our MBA program alone. So there is money to be made.