Ryan Crinnigan

Well come on—I love snark as much as the next guy, but try a little harder next time.

OK you just won the universe because that might be my single favorite H&O song.

Great reply!


<3 <3 <3 Lindsey's "Trouble" or "Holiday Road" <3 <3 <3

Hall and Oates.

first thing that popped in my head.

Well, if you don't, that makes me feel sorry for you.

I love this bar.

Yeah, we should practice zero discernment and just embrace anyone that tries to co-opt a segment of society via embarrassingly sappy, pandering lyrics, or at least via "fierceness." That's why I'm so pro-Lady Gaga. She was Born That Way!

"It's only 'pandering' if you think the people it's addressed to would be embarrassed by it. And they aren't."

Yeah really everyone should just love everything all the time.

My guess here is that Tina was more concerned with presenting the idea of "working at a network" rather than just "working on a TV show" and that focusing so much on the actors would detract from the writers, Jack, Kenneth, etc.

I think it's some sort of rule that if you put "PARODY" in the title of your work (ostensibly a parody) it will never ever be funny.

Wait, that's not John Lutz. It says his name is Steven Strand.

Wait a minute…John Lutz?

[puts shades on] YEAAAAOOOOOOOOOHHHWWWW!!!!!

So much for subtlety.

Yep I just listened to that soundtrack yesterday. Still excellent.

He's excellent in "Portal 2." But that's a video game. But still…he's excellent.