Ryan Crinnigan

In case anyone is directed here from the recent AV Club article on actually good spoofs: I saw this movie on DVD as a joke with a friend. It was unfathomably worse than we even anticipated. It is the single worst piece of cultural entertainment I have ever experienced.

That show sucks so much ass, but Ross clearly takes the cake. Whiny, insecure, and dopey, paired with Schwimmer's hammy delivery….absolutely intolerable.

There is a "Ted 2" banner ad at the bottom of this page, as if some advertisers knew the AV Club writers would make a mistake and omit it from the list.

My level of hate for this song is strong enough to cancel out what appears to be a considerable amount of good will toward it.

Everyone is really, really looking forward to this a whole lot

My heart

So are many of these comments!

Stunned to hear you like the song that Hatesong is ripping on.


You have the best AV Club handle

DudeBro from Collegetown USA checks in. And suddenly my monitor is covered in lite beer.

Any song that sounds like it was written solely to be in a commercial—like that Heavy song, or virtually any song that's ever been on an Apple commercial—hurts my heart so badly.

Kanye is a *terrible* MC. His delivery ruins anything he's a part of.


[fart noise]

Good comedy shouldn't rely on Already Being In The Club. If you don't watch SNL and you tune in and just see this piece of fluff snickering to himself, it's pretty easy to change the channel.

And every AV Club article I ever read about him (including this one, ad nauseum) desperately reminds me that he is a COMEDIC GENIUS and oh this was just a misstep but help me JC the guy is a total dud.

John Mulaney has to be the single most overrated guy working in comedy today. I feel like calling him pedestrian is complimentary.

Holy cats, how can you reference that Squier song and not mention Dizzee Rascal's "Fix Up Look Sharp"?!

Fleetwood Mac on Tusk—"Not That Funny" and "I Know I'm Not Wrong"…