ryan cordova

In fairness, that's a pretty apt description for most discussions about a character on a TV show.

I'm definitely noticing a trend with these comments.

"just fucking drink up and party!"

And so did Barb.

I have, everyone has.

Here's two options off the top of my head:

It is, it's also rude and inconsiderate to act like an annoying asshole and stand in the way of everyone else's fun.

No, she just actively tried to get in their way and refused to participate in anything fun.

Then don't allow yourself to be peer pressured into going in the first place.

Nah, they're both awful people.

"not wanting your friend to ditch you for some douchey guy"

If it helps you sleep at night, sure.

Or Barb could've acted like a real friend and tried to enjoy herself.

I'd rather get drunk and have fun with a douchebag than cry myself to sleep alone on a diving board.

"She's a stick-in-the-mud because she didn't want to go to a "party""

So wait, Barb is relateable?

I'd say if you're going out of your way to add something that wasn't in the source material you're translating, you better have a good reason for it being there.

You'd have a point if they were the only people I pointed out.

Cry more about how you're not crying, that'll surely make your point!

You're gonna cry cause I dogged your posts?