ryan cordova

Virtually everyone I know and every review I've read disagrees with you.

"I mean just Jon Snow himself, he shot an arrow into burning Mance, he got elected as Lord Commander, turned down Stannis, executed Slynt, Hardhome, and then finally getting stabbed by his Watch."

I'm just pointing out that "It was a slower season" "there was an incredible amount of plot development in pretty much every story-line" and "I was demonstrating how, in my opinion, the examples you used are justifiably static plot-lines" are not arguments that exist well alongside one another.

I never said you don't see the flaws I said you don't acknowledge them.

Honestly I lose respect for fanboys who can't see what they are.

I'm not sure how any of those constitute plot development.

Sansa, the Boltons, and the Freys all disagree with your "incredible amount of plot development" analysis.

"No because I'm not a person who needs to see constant action and death to think a show is good. People always get upset when nothing huge happens on GoT but I enjoy the setup of big moments as much as the big moments themselves."

I really dislike when people argue against someone's point by saying things they never said. As if the arguments they ARE making aren't easily defused enough.

Wait, you're confused as to how you can do horrible things to people nobody cares about but as soon as you do it to somebody they care about, they care?

Wait, you didn't see those cracks in the GoT armor in season 5?

They don't seem to be sympathizing with anyone so much as they're bashing Trump.

"It's truly a shame that the RNC is cutting the televised debates down to a third from 2012."

This is the most accurate look, the North didn't give a damn about slavery (there's a reason the Emancipation Proclamation specifically allows it in Northern states but bans it in the South), but the South sure as hell did.

We're talking about the pudgy terrifying guy that's trying to take over the world, right?