yep...that was a GREAT take by Kevin Smith too. Loved that series he did on the campuses. The stories he told about that and the entire visit with Prince are priceless...
yep...that was a GREAT take by Kevin Smith too. Loved that series he did on the campuses. The stories he told about that and the entire visit with Prince are priceless...
easy there thrasher... generalizations are generalizations because they are mostly true. Of course, #notall.. duh. Get over yourself.
This is all supposing that the hypothetical person you’re showing the movies to has zero attention span or appreciation for actual, y’know, film making.
...or they actually pull it off...making the Patriot hurt even worse!
Well, I mean, I live here in Pittsburgh, so yeah I see it. I’ve also lived in Ohio (ugh)...Every part of the country has some type of issue be it racism against African-Americans, racism against Native Americans...etc.
Let’s make it simple, if you work in an enterprise environment with information that is of a sensitive nature, you MUST NOT use SkyDrive. You put your entire organization’s existence on the line...and by extension, your job!
...and flares? What the hell?
I’m originally from the deep, deep south, so the racism here is...
Well, Bourbon does still have some Mash, though it has to be at least 51% corn...
Grew up in a small town (PC, FL) live in Pittsburgh. The weather sucks, but I love living in the big(er) city. Yeah, yeah, I isn’t NYC. But when you grow up on the Redneck Riviera, Pittsburgh is HUGE.
Been using that exact recipe since I was a kid and my dad was in charge. DO NOT underestimate the medicinal properties of sour mash Bourbon.
This...I was in Information Technology for 15 years (up to 3 years ago), and the first iPhone blew my mind. I’m still blown away by the new technologies being driven by Samsung, Apple, LG and others. I’m not a programmer, so I approach it like a kid in a candy store. In the brief amount of time we’ve had smartphones,…
Updated picture of this year’s bird... no color adjustments or anything on this. I have to say that this one is most likely my best effort. It was tremendously juicy and had great flavor. The skin was good and crispy with a saltiness that bled down into the meat. Absolutely fantastic results this year.
I’m with you...I “salt crust” mine, but not like it probably isn’t technically a salt crust. I coat the whole thing in Olive Oil and put a lot of Kosher Salt on top of the bird, it comes out unbelievably tasty with crispy skin. My own recipe here. Not the greatest picture, but...I’m no professional…
Well, Denver...
...and then you’ll fax in your error-free copy, some intern will transcribe it, make a ton of errors and you’ll look like the fool. You cost the company more money because you won’t evolve, you’re stodgy and no you shouldn’t have a place for a freaking typewriter in a press box.
Why would it be comic sans? That’s a computer font...
Or the Monkees...
since when did we start calling every roll-up “sushi?”
If I ever own my own business, I’m closing from Christmas to Jan 3rd. Nobody is open, nobody is doing business that week. Might as well write it off and throw the employees an extra week. Hell, I might even be able to get away with only giving one week of paid vaca if I give em the whole week between Christmas and New…