
Love #4... but if the S/O jumps the gun and introduces you "Hi Mom and Dad, this is Chris..."

Now playing

Clearly you've never had your ears pierced by the insane, incoherent ramblings of one Myron Cope... (RIP) ...former color analyst for the Steelers and inventor of...

if you can afford the car, just rent out some time on a local racing venue to get your jollies off...

First thing you learn in Little League is how to determine is an offensive player is eligible to catch a pass. Seriously...little league...pee wee football players can determine eligibility. Why to PROFESSIONALS have to have it announced over the PA system? It isn't all that complicated:

It really does depend on the timing of the snow... you can pre-treat the roads all you want, but you can't get the plows on the roads during rush hour when the snow is dropping and icing everything up. It happens. People just have to be more careful and PLAN BETTER.

So... a Cleveland Browns dress-up shirt!

Guy probably worked 100 hours a week for YEARS to create the video game and all of the other stuff that Mojang has created as well. It isn't like coding is a casual, leisurely activity.

From a Gator fan...He deserves both...

About a week ago, about 10 days ago, I said, I um, went to a couple of the members of the Board, and I don't even know what those guys really do.

Yep...same here...

I'm 41 years old...

Having traversed the Canal in a ship, I can attest to the enormity of the locks and dams. It is freaking HUGE. What's especially disconcerting is the transition from one lock to the other. The ship is towed into this "locker"...so to speak. The walls are higher than the ship, then the water comes in and before you

if they automatically review all scores and turnovers, then they can just go ahead and review all plays period...JUST LIKE THE ALREADY DO IN COLLEGE FOOTBALL. The NFL is so incredibly dumb with this crap.

Kind of like when the "prank" videos on YouTube show some idiot kid getting his arse kicked for walking off with someone's phone and is like "oh, it's a joke man..."


Meyer's history at the University of Florida would indicate he is ... inconsistent with his punishments...

You're right, it doesn't make sense... but you're right

Love that people are more willing to video the guy getting the crap beat out of him than are willing to help him out...

Agreed BJ...they could have also hosted the game in State College. Penn State hosts B1G games there all year and that stadium is more than capable of hosing the NFL. They hosted the Winter Classic there recently as well.