
Here in the upper mid-west, we have a company called "the Original Mattress Factory"... they make what I would call an "old school" mattress. No pillow-top, steel spring inner coils and "flippable"

While I have twice owned said soft-side waterbeds, I would be reluctant to do so again. They are tremendously comfortable, yes...but also prone to splitting and leaks in the bladder. We had many of them... so take that for what it's worth

Wind like that & waves that puny, most certainly not the Gulf either...

Jimbo blames ESPN and the SEC! SEC! SEC!...

What you are pointing to is micro-evolutionary development, not macro-evolutionary change...or what is commonly referred to as "Darwinian Evolution." We have been able to observe and recreate micro-evolutionary development in multiple species and even effectively predict what changes will happen given a certain set

You are very fortunate...some of us were born (apparently) with gums designed to grow teeth through nasal passages. I kid...

At what point does Jason Garrett turn and hand the headset to Jerrah? "You know what Jerrah, YOU coach the fuggin' team..."

I had something like this happen to me coming into Miami one late-afternoon. Even the flight attendants were white-knuckling the ride ...

YES, YES... 10000 times YES !!!


...and they have to ship 500 lbs by BOAT? Really?

When by Brother-In-Law informed the family that is (now ex-) wife was filing for divorce my Father-In-Law told him: "You wanna keep the lawyers out of it"

(FWIW - I'm a pastor)

Your "Pastor" is an idiot...

Agreed...it is good advice, but very difficult for new moms to follow. That's where the husband/father has to serve his role and protect her. He has to make sure she's at ease enough that she CAN at least rest a little. (not to get too gender/role/specific here)... just pointing out that too often the dad walks

Regarding Marriage: "It's a 50 - 50 relationship"

Related: "You can be anything you want, if you just work hard enough and set your mind to it"... wrong!

...and Lethal Weapon

Somebody is eventually going to be able to figure out a way to provide a service that you select your networks in a-la-carte fashion. When that happens, it'll be a HUGE success. Cable companies have forever held back on networks you want and forced you to get networks you don't just because they can.

Gator fan here... it wasn't a dirty hit. I thought it was clean, Driskel threw a bad ball and led Pittman into the defender's hit.