
you and I completely agree on this Reed. I was taught at a very early age not to lead with the head, but rather to "see" what you hit. We hit hard, won a lot of games and championships... but the teams that won more were reckless. They would do what the NFL is trying to eliminate...(launching, etc.)

Tear it all down, reclaim the land, create a park... Would it cost millions? Yep. Does the US Gov. spend millions on less useful projects? Yep...

Pressure? yeah, there's pressure, but that either excites you to play your best, or it buries you... and you know what, that's a good thing. High School varsity football is beyond the "let's let everybody play and have fun" time. That's little league. High School varsity football is about winning, getting better,

I played HS ball in NW Florida and we regularly packed out a 10k+ seat stadium. So 18k in Dallas' suburbs?... yeah, I can see that easily

...because God forbid someone actually enjoys watching football (regardless of the level)...and don't even think about going back to watch your alma mater or anything. That's just the worst thing ever.

So if a pretty boy goes to prison and wants to stay safe, should he lift heavy and bulk up or hide in a corner somewhere? I'm always curious about the best way to avoid any "issues"

Nah... I just say I'm kind of a foodie... But then most of the people who then hear my southern accent realize that I was probably raised in the kitchen by grandma, in front of the grill with dad or the fryer with grandpa...

Well said...

I suck... I self-identify as a "foodie" but only because it take less time than to say "I dabble in cuisine on multiple levels and am always experimenting with new foods/techniques/etc...and I LOVE food."

Well, Silver gave him the maximum fine possible... 2.5mil ...good for Silver to give the most he could...and explained it...

The one in the picture looks more like Doc Hudson...but no idea what it actually is....

Nope.. Doc Hudson was the judge (and resident physician)

Let me add this as well...who is the venue to tell you what you can/can't do at your own event? ...such as the bartender. YOU are the customer. I know venues sometimes can be difficult to come by with pricing, etc. But that's where the bride and groom really have to figure out what is most important for them.

That's when you get a different venue. At our wedding reception, it was the venue who suggested the Beer/Wine bar because we had family conflict/issues on alcohol, etc. It was a great compromise.

Oh, dear Lor...are you freaking kidding me? People are amazing...

Pro Tip: If you KNOW there is going to be drama from your future mother-in-law/great aunt/left-out bridesmaid/whomever... get someone who is a confidant, who also isn't afraid of anyone to act as your "coordinator." This person can run interference between you and the troublemaker on your special day.

Agreed... We did Beer & Wine and it turned out fantastic. Nobody complained that they couldn't get their Grey Goose Martinis...

Dads are superheroes... Just a fact of life

So, owners work for free...got it...

How do you "break even" without making money? How to you pay employees without first "making money?" I didn't say they needed to make excessive profits...but making money...generating profit...is how people get paid, taxes get paid, benefits get paid, pensions get filled, and stockholders get dividends...