
Late: I do this every year and it absolutely works every time (for Chicken and Ham too)... make sure that:

Some leagues allow "oversized" kids to play on the line of scrimmage, but they are not permitted to carry the ball... This should be illegal, there's a reason we have safety rules in place in pee-wee leagues.


"He also says he hasn't really considered the man he tea-bagged much at all. "Nothing malicious toward that person," he says. "I just haven't thought about what he's going through because of all the chaos that's upside-down in my life."

What was that about SEC schools not having a firm grasp on academics? Big 10/12, Big XII (10..ish)... Big East/West...

better to be thought a moron than to open your keyboard and prove it...

Lighten up Francis...

Oh, hell yeah... I think Apple was going for a more "industrial" look with the black anodized finish on both the back and sides. I can't wait to see it in person (ordered mine on Friday)... I think most people will use a case and make this a moot point...

This was bound to happen, the anodized surface is razor-thin at best, so even the most minor scratches are going to show up in a big, big way. My suggestion: Get a case...or a sharpie...

This is about the dumbest article I've seen on LH....AT&T isn't paying you anything! You are still spending almost a thousand dollars on the upgrades regardless of which carrier you go with. That's like buying a new Camaro and saying that Chevy paid you $20,000 to buy the car because they cost less than a Mercedes.

BAM ! !... that's the RIGHT way to eat a biscuit..

Nah, sometimes its just a shout-out. Especially if they went to a private school that 'recruits'... (oh, wait, they don't recruit...do they?)

Meh, it's the Bungles...

THIS is the solution to the problem. you have to listen to the entire song from beginning to (annoying and bloody) end.. then it will be G-O-N-E

+1... yep

I live in Pittsburgh and am a Steeler fan... My God, we treat people like shit sometimes. There's that 10% in every fan base that ruins it for everyone else... Pittsburgh must have like 60%.

I'm kinda goofy, I organize by color...I'm a guy, so colors are more easily recognizable. I know FB and Twitter are blue, messages is green and I group them as such. I only put stuff in folders that I don't use very often.

I carry the "Cando" wipes all the time anyway just because public toilet paper SUCKS...

Good point...except that would require actual coaching and development...