
Yeah, NOBODY claps after landing in San Juan... (bouncy, bouncy, bouncy)

This may be completely elementary, but I use DB to hold ALL of my grad-school files. Everything from my journal article research to writings, to assignment matrices, even my EndNote library so that I can access that information from anywhere.

+1...Post of the year

I've coasted up Spook Hill many times... It does kinda freak you out a little bit...

Actual quote to another passenger: "Get your ass up and let that lady sit down...can't you see she's carrying a freaking basketball under that shirt?"... (to the teenager oblivious to anything going on around him)... it has gotten so bad these days that I just call people out now...

That'd be cool... But I want Charles Barkley covering Gymnastics...

...and supposedly 1-year of football revenue. it will affect their recruiting budget significantly. Good luck signing a bunch of guys from Williamsport and competing in the Big East...

"Paterno has never had a hearing; that his legal counsel has never been able to interview key witnesses, all of whom are represented by lawyers and therefore unavailable..."

I never really considered GNR "hair metal"... they were more of a punk-classic hybrid to me. They hit that slot right between the Warrant/Poison/Cinderella downfall and the rise of grunge... GNR seared that "we will kick your ass and make out with your girlfriends later" attitude that was completely lost in the

San Juan really isn't the friendliest port for cruisers... I was based out of there when I worked for Norwegian Cruise Line. SJPR doesn't have hardly any facilities and it is in "old" San Juan...so yeah, I can imagine it was a pain in the ass...

I think I'd rather survive...in a rural area. Cities will be void of food, water and other essential supplies. Besides, cities in the post-apocalypse are going to be significantly more dangers because of the humans, not wild creatures. ...maybe

My mother-in-law did this for YEARS until the husband found out about it...He spent two weeks balancing the checkbook back years...finding every single penny...

Not Pictured: Hawk donning a Florida jersey and Smith wetting his pants...

BRILLIANT ! !... (I'm an ADD kid...I also subtract)

Good to know Mizzou and Missou aren't the same school...



Have to admit it took me a second, now I can't stop laughing...

James Harrison is not impressed...

Re: BBQ Chicken...Agree with an earlier poster to use the brine technique. This allows the chicken to cook thoroughly on the grill and not get dried-out. I use this with spices (Brown Sugar and Kosher salt) ...also, leg quarters make for the best holiday BBQ chicken. Break the backs off the leg quarters for easier