I-right wiggle, 34-switchblade

I get it. Someone once tried to make me watch an entire soccer game. It did not end well.

Herman Quirmbach might be the most professorial name I’ve ever heard. Like it was pulled straight from a Todd Phillips movie.

I have a simple three question test to determine if I can live in a city. A city must answer at least 2/3 to be considered livable:

That is the closest I've ever seen a Bostonian come to admitting that Boston is not a top tier city. You're almost there.

I moved from Boston in June of 2015. It sucks, just accept it.

Nah. The city is pretty terrible too, even without taking into account the general jackassery of its population.

If you like miserable winters, rocky cold-water beaches, impossible transportation links (hello, Storrow Drive and the Green Line!), bars with cover charges AND last call at 12:45, and an inferiority complex that causes residents to seriously argue that Boston is a legit global city...then Boston is the place for you!

I love townies.

No, it is not.

I don't think you understand what a championship banner is, or that professional football has been crowning champions since before the Super Bowl. How many championships do the Packers have?

Not sure which one of my posts is "uninformed" I cited my arguments in each, be it in the Rams' report or in the damning visual evidence of the local sports cretins.

Reading this as a lifelong college basketball fan my first instinct was that it's terrible that rivalry like BYU-Utah is now optional. However, as a lifelong Lobo fan my primal instinct says to tell both these schools to GFY.

We can't all be fanboy homers.

No doubt. I agree with you on all of your points. LA has a fair-weather fanbase in a wealthy area filled with half-hearted NFL fans that aren’t likely to consistently fight stadium traffic for 2 hours on Sundays - the one day in LA where traffic can be avoided.

Shouldn’t we all?

From page 22 of the report: “According to the US Mayor’s Report published in 2015, St. Louis is 245th out of 381 cities in projected economic growth, ranking it 29th among NFL markets...The 2015 Milken Report of Best Long Term Performing Cities ranked St. Louis 127th overall, placing it 27th among NFL markets...St.

Literally no where in any of my responses did I say anything about LA’s support for the NFL - past or future. Thank you for playing, you are everything I assume about StL and Cards fans.

Really? Because your responses make it seem like you helped edit that op-ed.

"The market lacks a robust regional area from which to draw individuals and corporations that are not already attending games and purchasing tickets."