
Note: The operative words here are “are still be good”, meaning pleasant/palatable.

Except oil is not made from dinosaurs. It was made primarily from plant and bacteria. But good try.

I have not played the game yet as I am getting it for Christmas, but for my edification, can you avoid ALL romantic options in this game if you want, or are they forced on you (meaning the romantic entanglement, not the individuals involved).

And now we all know where baby scarabs come from....

This is, of course, the correct reply.

App, deleted!

I am sure you meant MSNBC...

Agree. I understand the comic ending and why Moore went that way, but I always thought it was stupid, even in the constraints of the comic book. The movie makes more sense in this regard.

I would love to support this, but the actions of Tim Schaeffer and his team at Double Fine with Broken Age and that other project they abandoned have turned me off from supporting these things up front ever again, regardless of the team's pedigree. I will pick it up if it is good, but only after it has been completed

What rules? This is a private company, providing a service, setting the terms of the service they provide. You have no obligation to use their service if you think you can get better elsewhere.

Spot on, solid episode.

First I had ever heard of it. Never saw any ads either. Thank you AdBlocker.

What if I am albino? I am STILL not being recognized.

"Microsoft" is not the one getting "pissy". It is the Microsoft console players that are getting screwed. Way to divert the discussion.

Nathan, you are as evil as some say.

This is worthless. Fo WA, there are specific taxes on both bottle volume and sales tax that apply specifically to liquor that make this $17.99 bottle cost closer to $30 out the door.

Frank. I live in Seattle. I have to see your abomination of a building the EMP museum. You have no right to call out any other architect as you are the party responsible for that abortion of a building.

Maybe we should ask Obungled which of our 57 states is Ebola!

They should just give it up. Valve has shown a complete lack of respect to its fans regarding this franchise. They refuse to engage with their fans with any sort of update, after leaving us hanging for so long.

Except the target audience for Disney XD is 6-11 year old males. It will be written to lower common denominators of entertainment.