Ry-bones, FiST pilot

Umm, did you not look at the pic?

15 pictures of the engine and not one of the cam cover.  What are you trying to hide from us?!

Panama, let’s ask the ladies if 7.5 rounds up to 8.

Camron is his protege, a payoff is not needed.

Can someone please point me to place to buy a BLM shirt that will support the cause?

Turn on your location, I just want to talk

Yes please.

I’m still salty.

Matt, I hope your mental health improves. To that end perhaps consider a vehicle with charm or quirk, and under budget so you don’t have a payment and the stress associated. Honda Element, take those dogs to the park and not worry about muddy paws. Landcruiser, Wrangler, Grand Cherokee, take those dogs to any park.

Find a low mile Element. Take the dogs to the park. Mop out the interior afterwards.

Though if he wanted to get a big dog an FZJ80 would be ideal.

This is not my Mircobus?!?

I’ve had a couple Jeeps over the years and not only have I never put the windshield down, I don’t personally know anyone who has. 

That would require me to believe that Democrats are competent, against all evidence to the contrary.  I hope you’re right.

Looking up similar plug-in hybrids, I can get a bit more for my money so I’ve got to go CP.  But it’s close.

*restrictions apply

Camaro with a trailer hitch?

2 wings.

I didn’t come here to be attacked!

Stewart is a prick, but he’s also not responsible for Ward’s death.