Ry-bones, FiST pilot

There are a few Star Wars movies that could have been considered. Total Recall, Ex Machina, Predator, Running Man.

Ok, so gravy as I know it.

And gravy = tomato sauce?

Cholula current favorite
Frank’s - y’all can sleep on Franks but it’s better than a lot of options

I thought butter noodles was some shit made up for MREs, had no idea it was real.

It’s a weird phenomenon. Attraction to power. Congressman, Governor, President, Pastor, Rockstar, rich and famous. What these guys maybe don’t realize is she don’t want to fuck you, she wants to fuck whoever has that position. Same thing with married guys to a lesser extent, she doesn’t want you, she wants to prove

She’s about 30 years younger than him and quite good looking, so good choice.

Get used to using the shoulder as an on-ramp. Hard pass.

Replying to save a life. Even if your disposal can eat the grounds they can settle in the pipes and going to your sewer. Just throw the grounds away, or better yet compost them.

Replying to save a life. Even if your disposal can eat the grounds they can settle in the pipes and going to your

Me reading Joy’s tweets

It’s about a $200 fee + the cost of the suppressor, and some waiting time. What the hell are they complaining about?

Milo just playing the long con. He knows that the Alt-Right will put him in the same concentration camp with his husband. Way to think ahead Milo.

Doesn’t count. It’s not a minivan until a child pukes in it, until then it’s a people-mover.

So apparently I need to get one of those genetic tests. Oh, nevermind a Friends rerun is on, I’ll do it later.

Sounds good. I’ll take it however you want to cook it with 2 stipulations, it has to be fresh, don’t overcook it.

I’ll keep my wallet closed on that one.

I got intestinal distress just looking at those crab legs.

Lamborghini styling is dogshit. We get it, angles, play a different song already.

I think there is a solution we’re not seeing here.

Get Becky with the Good Hands from a few weeks ago. She’s game.