Ry-bones, FiST pilot

I see your point. But I am okay with this because it is one theater and a few showings. Likewise I’d be okay if they did the same thing for a film like Stand By Me. Maybe it’s hypocritical but I’d be against exclusion if it was of POC.
We place limits on speech, shouting “FIRE” in a theater, inciting violence, lying

It should also be noted that atmospheric air diffuses into your tires. So if your tires are filled to 30 psig (roughly double atmospheric) you will diffuse out twice as many molecules as you diffuse in. They air themselves up, but they airdown twice as fast.

He is Hitler, but you can still trade him things for dem ‘cados.

That was a serious question though. I looked as some of your comments. Generally nasty, some homophobic. Why? Do you enjoy it?

Does being angry on the internet make you feel better about yourself?

Keep telling yourself that, micropeen

I’m no expert but he is not a favorite for anyone. I think that the Dems just haven’t put up a serious contender. We need someone

I’m the one who should apologize. Sorry America.

Those all soung like nice things to me. Promote away reporters!

Agreed. I think the steady diet of right wing talk radio has poisoned the minds of millions.

Duh, higher survivability from gunshot trauma.

Bevin lives in a house (not the Governor’s mansion) that a shadow corporation bought for $1 mill below market value from the guy Bevin then appointed to a powerful position over the state pension fund.

Donny has the following cars European cars; Mercedes ‘03 SLR McLaren, ‘15 S600, ‘15 Rolls Phantom.

LOL at knife hand them out of existence.

I can see you are a little touchy about it. It’s okay, some people are looking for a babydick.


SO I got re-grayed a few months ago, after a couple years in the light, and am stuck. Gemme the hell out of here!

While executing a rear naked choke hold?

Umm...*sweat forming on brow
She’s Amish, no pictures allowed.

House rules, it either has to be educational or hold artistic merit to be on the TV.
Wild Kratts - yes
Old Warner Bros stuff - yes
Pokemon - no
SuperMario Bros Super Show - you’re grounded