Ry-bones, FiST pilot

This is an interesting question. Who is the toughest POTUS ever? Every president, peak condition during his first term, MMA tournament.
Washington, Jackson, Taylor, Lincoln, Grant, T. Roosevelt, Truman, Ike, Kennedy, Johnson, Ford, Bush 43, are my picks to make it thru the first 2 rounds.

I think it’s power he wants, power to manipulate. Whether through fear, respect, or being liked, he wants the ability to control.

Jeez, my kids driver got fired because he didn’t do a brake check while leaving the parking lot. This seems a lot worse.

LOL at the Donate Life hood decal.

oh, In that case I have read them. I was thinking you had something damning.
Somehow I don’t think his exwife, his wife’s potential mismanagement of a college, his being on welfare, is going to move the needle much. Republicans tried to use “he hasn’t ever had a real job” and they only people who that works on already

Let me see, more recent pics... I have this one.

You’ve referenced that research about 4 times but not linked to it.
I’ve seen most of it, nothing I’ve seen leads me to think that Trump would have beat him.

Yes, perhaps if he had carried some hotsauce around with him...

Exactly. If nobody ran against Clinton the GOP would have said it was a coronation, and used that against her. It would have been proof of the Clinton Machine. Same end result.

It what universe is Sanders running against Clinton the thing that cost her the election? Just keep grinding that axe.

Are you really trying to tell me that Bernie’s wife college failure would prevent him from beating the guy who started Trump University?

Is this what passed for tough guys in old Hollywood?

To each his own, but damn that is a lot of work for something not any better than the original cars. You want 300 hp in your Integra? That’s got to be the 3rd most common website behind porn and cats. Want your Mustang to go around a corner? There’s probably a way to make that happen.

Wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Cops are picking up heroin with carfentanil every day, why not just use that?

Oh, I fescue think you’re funny? I can barley contain my laughter.

Says WHO?

I’m going to trade you to the War Boys for 5 gallons of guzzolene.

I’m going to trade you to the War Boys for 5 gallons of guzzolene.

This time when you burn the whitehouse please make sure the resident is home.

Budget: $10,000 for 9mm bullets, $0 for fire extinguishers

Budget: $10,000 for 9mm bullets, $0 for fire extinguishers