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    Without impressive lap times, idiots who crash the car would not make the purchase, thus not fund the company to build the car or drive the lap.  It’s the supercar circle of life.

    The McLaren P1 LM ran a full second and a half quicker.

    Want an suv? you have at least 50 options, maybe 100. Want a 2 seat driver focused RWD manual transmission sports car for less than 50 grand. You have how many options?

    So does that make it more of a Messerschmitt?

    The greatest trick the Germans ever pulled was convincing the world their cars were reliable.  

    He refused to sit in the seat or he refused to do an interview about how shitty his lower level product is?

    What kind of loaner do they offer?  Guessing something from VAG like a base level golf?

    Says he would prefer a convertable, nobody suggests that.

    911, reimagined by Winger.

    It’s a beetle pretending to be a beetle.

    With a bit of practice and a lot of lube, I’m confident you could break 20.

    Mansour Ojjeh, who effectively owns something like 20% of McLaren has the last F1 and P1 (and some lesser ones) in the same metallic orange.

    Yes, more than both combined.

    McLaren usually keeps VIN 1 (until they later decide to sell it because someone makes an offer they can’t refuse), so VIN 2 is the first delivered. Tradition dating back to the F1

    Well he has reportedly won more Championships than Lebron, so...

    I like open the ability to remove the roof - sun, wind and nothing obstructing the exhaust note enhance the driving experience.

    I thought outsourcing your production to a foreign company was to supposed to help meet your production targets.

    I thought we were talking about cars.

    I’m guessing the same people that put M3 badges on a E46 325.  Anyone who would be impressed knows not to be.

    They took a mustang and surrounded it with crowds and let it loose.  It didnt fail, it did exactly what we expected.