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    Let’s not shed too many tears. 1) it was an automatic. 2) If it weren’t crashed it would have spent a life of parking lot cruise nights. 3) That engine is going on ebay and will end up swapped into something that is way cooler than a base vette.

    Cost to repair car + loss value claim > Fair market value paid out - salvage value of parts

    Going off the sarcastic urban dictionary definition.  Yes.  They are the leader in that department.

    Good call, searching “value direct” & BMW gets you there as well

    No test drive, this is value direct.

    Or searching for a black 2012 M3 in texas on autotrader, if you want to take the scenic route like I did.

    BMW of San Antonio

    McLaren is becoming the mustang of supercars.

    The purpose is that the lexan in those windows is lighter than carbon in an area that serves no structural purpose.

    That clip was infinitely more impressive. Any idiot with almost 800 hp can rip a burnout. It takes an impressive combination of skill and cojones to pull that off in a 7 figure car next to those wooden posts.

    It may fly, but that’s not a car.

    I cant see any reason that anyone would opt for a pre 2010 4.6L V8 over the 2011 and later 3.7 V6. More HP, less weight, better fuel economy, for roughly the same money. Unless they are so insecure about their manhood that they need a V8 just for the sake of saying they have a V8.

    Autonomous software is unbelievably accurate. Behaves just like a human controlled Mustang.

    The obvious choice is another CTS-V wagon. This time with a manual transmission, the best theft deterrent device.

    Would love to see more companies put this level of detail into sports car restomods. A 246 dino with this treatment would be amazing.

    Except this is about a Cayman competitor, where the manual makes up 40% of production.

    The Montreal races were probably the most entertaining races NASCAR has ever produced, especially when Ambrose and Robby Gordon were involved.

    Has gotten? More like has always been. 2014-2016 Mercedes completly owned every race. Nobody else had a chance unless Mercedes messed up something. 2017 was the first time I actually thought there might actually be competition in the turbo 6 era, this year is even better. Before that Red Bull had owned it for

    All the 996s are going up in price and have been for at least 5 years.

    Bold prediction - they wont be making 50.