RWS Motorsport

Oh please. The factory teams are faster than the teams that buy a chassis/engine and try to make it work? Color me shocked.

Depends; are they Richard Petty Motorsports fans? Because losing is a tradition as well.

Someone else said it much better than I.

Between the fact that I find this all confusing and nonsensical and the whole “yellows beget yellows” phenomenon,

Currently in the UK if you receive a fixed penalty notice for using your mobile phone while driving then the fine is £100 (~$125) and 3 Penalty points on your licence (each 12 points is a disqualification from driving, points last 3 years the sequence is usually 6 months ban for the first 12 pointer, 1 year for the

That was a driverless truck.

“tipper lorry” (as the Brits call it, adorably)

And yet, Ford took how much from taxpayers during the recession in comparison to every other “American” car maker?

Small cars are supposed to be cheap. If they can’t make them cheap then they won’t be competitive.

Make a company unprofitable, so that it closes and everyone loses....

“Hey kid, wanna try some EcoBoost?”

They’re going to hire Eddie Braun to head up their Mexican distribution operation…

I would have hoped it was a Dukes of Hazard style ramp to jump the Rio Grande.

I just read a report earlier that said Ford is already planning to dig tunnels under the wall to get those cars out of Mexico. That way, they’ll avoid paying that tax because they are smart.

Barnacle find.