
Sounds like every other Spider-Man comic I ever read when I was a kid.

Probably because, between the Scarlet Witch and Vision, they've been in more issues of the various Avengers comics than even Iron Man or Cap.

It started out as kind of a "hex" power, in that she'd gesture and something randomly "bad" would happen to her target(s). That quickly morphed into her doing whatever the writer or artist thought looked the coolest.

There have been a few, but if you think the films are crowded NOW.

eh, everyone has their opinions on that one. I mean, for a long time, I took crap over thinking Briscoe/Curtis was one of the very best teams, especially for the time they introduced Curtis. Briscoe was old school, Curtis was so new school that he almost came from another planet. Spoke Spanish in a city where,

I used to love watching the earlier seasons when they allowed Munch to go all bugfuck crazy like he often did on Homicide. When they made Fin his partner, it only got better.

I liked the Briscoe/Green dynamic, especially after all of the obscure Broadway comments started flying right and left :-)

The thing I mostly remember is her constantly having to hide her embarrassment every time someone made a comment about the "beauty queen cop."

I think my favorite Anderson episode was the one with the "internet vigilante" group that he pissed off to the point where they published his SSN and the fact that he had a kid he missed a few child support payments on right out of college.

Yeah, he definitely hit the Jackpot with Empire. Though I dunno how long that one will last. Just seems like one of those "flare series" like Glee, that we get every so often.

Didn't he, though :-) For a time there, I was desperate to find and use "Make the deal!!!" one of my ringtones.

It's just that at times, he couldn't help his accent from slipping. Of course, with Vin, it wouldn't matter because he'd just growl at the judges, some of whom who probably deserve it.

I loved his first few episodes with Wheeler, where he seemed to treat her as the seventeen-year old he figured her to be :-)

And the great thing is that they've run them, if not in order, at least by seasons. They recently ran them to the end of the run and, if my DVD guide is correct, they're restarting back with the 1994 episodes!!!

I always thought Roache was a strange choice for the part. Especially after seeing The Chronicles of Riddick :-)

Yeah, guy's a big dude. I remember when there were people questioning whether or not D'Onofrio had the gravitas required to play Wilson Fisk. I just rolled my eyes.

I watched and pretty much enjoyed LOLA, but it never really struck me as a L&O show. Maybe I've been watching too long, but NYC IS really the star of the franchise. Half of the great lines were about how this or that didn't make sense because this perp or this victim shouldn't have been ten blocks from where he or

The only thing I felt was different was that, when McCoy was promoted to DA, the producers always seemed to want to treat him differently than all of the DAs before him. He literally took over the second half of the show from the other DAs in an awful lot of episodes. I never got into L&O for the politics angle, in

I'm just glad it only lasted a short time with those two. I'm amazed that more perps didn't just assume they were both mobsters with fake NYPD badges :-)

Loooove the way she'd say "Bobbbie" in that ridiculous accent.