
Hmm, all week long my station here has been running ads for a NASCAR category. Was that episode aired early this week, or might it show up tomorrow?

I might have given a damn…five years ago when Manny was, arguably, in his prime. But once he lost a couple high profile fights waiting for the Mayweather camp to come around, I duuno how anyone could have expected any other results from this one.

Well, you know the main antagonists are going to be dragons and what do your generic dragons breathe? And what race has the best defense against it? Yah, I chose the wimpy way out my first time around. ES games generally leave undefeatable at some point, but unless you want to play the game on wimpy, it can take

Oh, if the films go through the same number of writers as the comics, expect Wanda's powers to change with every appearance :-)

I especially loved how they saved some of the very best episodes for their lesser known (at the time) villains, especially The Clock King and Mr. Freeze.

I hear ya. The bright spot is now that the character is there, he's there. So long as the Infinity films don't treat him as Thanos' whipping boy because of Whedon's use of one of the gems here, he's got nowhere to go but up.

Well, the nastiness that was Ultron was tamed down from the comics to this. No adamantium (even though Ultron was playing around with it loooong before Wolverine was a thought in anyone's mind) and no encephelo(sp) beam, which was his greatest weapon back in the day.

Considering where this one left them, I expect some of the "big ballers" will either be missing from at least the first Infinity film or just make cameos maybe at the end of the film.

You bet. Plus, he never asked Gideon the question I was waiting for: "If I invented you sometime in the future, how the hell did you get to be here now?!!"

Well, they have been subtly pushing the Inhumans as having a major ability and a minor ability. Thus Reina and her "psychic" mumbo jumbo. I'd rather think Skye's super hacking or "awwww, she's so cuttttte, so we got to wuv her" as her other, but maybe she just acquired kick ass ninja skills from the gas :-)

Or they had May pilot the quinjet to the base to upload both injured bodies…

It'll be interesting to see what Hill tells the rest of the Avengers about where she found out the info about where to find the staff and how SHIELD knew about Wanda and Pietro at the beginning of A2. It might not end up being as "one-sided" as it appears to be, assuming that info came from the dump that Coulson drew

Well, unless she just wasn't around during that couple of hours we saw of Peitro's household in the X-Men film.
I think there was an agreement made between Marvel and Fox…

One would think so. But the "Mind" stone might have powered the staff to do one thing, depending on how it was crafted, whereas the stone on it's own does something different.

A sig style I've been using for going on 30 years now.

Well, since evidently Pietro kicks it in this one, Wanda's going to probably be the only example they'll have in the MCU.

It means that, in the early comics, she couldn't control what would happen…it was more or less random. Not exactly my definition of "magic," but whatever.

Yeah, like being so obsessed with this father and mother, he tries to create an artificial version of Janet Pym :-)

Remember that every time you see someone make a comment here about how and why that character needed to happen in this one :-)

Pretty sure that, if the gem in his forehead is an Infinity Gem (you know, the kind of artifact that could destroy every lifeform on a planet if you touched it to the ground, see: GotG), having it be able to combine to allow for flight shouldn't be that difficult.