
Early in his career, he was a fantastic "realistic" actor. Mainly in films like Bang the Drum Slowly and The Last Detail. Later, he fell on hard times and became Cohen's go-to lead actor on low-budget horror films like It's Alive, The Stuff, and Q.

Yeah, I admired all the quirks that CI brought to the table. About three seasons in, they started to give Eames a bunch of good natured verbal rib pokes at Goren that the latter readily ignored as if he didn't even hear her. It was just some kind of fourth wall breaking shit, but as an audience member, I loved the

Logue often has the best stuff on the show. The moment the "star" act came out and started doing whatever they were doing…well, you figure whatever it was must have really been out there to offend Harvey Bullock.

She'll show up in the next episode just to crash the helicopter into Mulroney's HQ at the end of the show.

Why's it a bad idea? Probably the last place these idiot excuses for LE officers would think to look :-)

And he did it right in the police station, hauling body suitcases bumping down the stairs…like when he hid all that stuff in the old ME's locker…he's been around these Keystone Cops so long…

I dunno. I thought the two best segments of the TLZ film were remakes of classic TLZ episodes that still hold up to this day.

I remember back in the '80s when we got a copy of M:DYRL direct from Japan soon after it was released. We had a synopsis of it, but didn't get an actual English script until a few months later.

I dunno how well it'll reflect on how he is now and how long he hung on. I saw that Avengers 2 actors would be on both Fallon and Letterman's shows last night, so I watched parts of both.

I don't hate the show. I just think it could be a lot, lot better, and maybe, just maybe, after having a couple of months to think about it, the producers might get a clue or two. I mean, SHIELD got better, though still not great. But after a fairly good start, Gotham has been treading water all season long IMO.

Are you serious?

Gonzales' reply:

Yeah, frankly, I'm wondering why MIB didn't just off him after the exposition dump in the foot of the statue. It's not like he needed him anymore.

Maybe it might. But we've seen no such actual proof of any of this. The worst "punishments" we've seen are Cal being shoved into a small room and Reina being not allowed to leave because she might scare someone. Otherwise, it just doesn't seem like the rank and file residents of Afterlife really give a damn.

"If I can just get off of this LA Freeway without being killed or caught.
I'm down the road to a down home dirt street I know that I ain't bought."

I think they have her down to two episodes per season now. They've already made Castiel and Crowley regular cast members even though they don't show in every episode. Maybe she'll eventually become Bobby Singer and end up being in half the episodes. Wouldn't bother me.

Could be, but that kind of detailed intel - especially the Sawyer/Cooper tie - is just a bit out of The Other's reach without help from Jacob IMO.

Whatever. He caught on only after he killed Jacob and only after the MIB taunted him for being such a patsy and after he had nothing much more to give to the endgame, other than helping out Hurley. John Locke never got that chance, not saying he would have if given the same face to face but…hell, Ben killed him

Yeah, it was a great moment. Kind of like admitting at your aunt's memorial how much you wish you hadn't hated and screwed her over for years before you strangled her to death…all for totally selfish reasons.