
Yeah, Jacob knows about the island's properties and "has a plan." I think he was directly involved.

Oh, I understand that, but it was implied in the later seasons that MIB could have been impersonating Jacob and giving instructions to Ben and company to do this and that.

Yeah, Ben treated Locke so fucking crappy throughout the rest of the series, even his heart-felt words over the grave in Season Six seemed pretty hollow. They had to have the "I forgive you." scene in the finale, but that said more about Locke than it did about Ben Linus.

Geez, I might not kibitz too much next Wednesday. I've been through that particular war for what seems to be decades, that I've got Post Traumatic Expose Syndrome.

I don't think that mystery is ever going to be totally answered to a consensus. Though the fact that there was an actual dead body for Locke to carry seems to say to me it was the real Cooper. The trick is figuring out how he got to the island. My main guess is that either Jacob or the MIB (impersonating Jacob) sent

Possible, of course, but we didn't actually see Smokey until after Locke was walking and they never had an encounter until Walkabout.

Oh, yeah, especially when he was hit by that car :-)

And you weren't alone in that. But the fact that this one went unexplained until halfway through the third season kind of kept the pot simmering.

eh, I don't think the episode itself was reviled at the time, even many of the people who saw the Nikki and Paulo experiment as a rotten failure generally grudgingly admitted that the Once Upon a Time guys did as good a job as they could at correcting what was, well, an idea that was doomed from the outset.

I thought the whole "island heals" thing was great until I started questioning it when that episode in a latter season showed Jacob comforting Locke (and almost assuredly saving his life) after his fall. On one hand, we have Rose, who was seemingly "cured" of cancer, but she has a background episode that implied that

And I thought the scene in the rec room was great, if only to see the dumbfounded look on Kate's face when she realized that Locke was right when he kept telling her that if Jack hadn't come back, he had a good reason for not doing so.

Oh, believe me, every time a Locke episode was announced, the fan fingers would start typing, dying to find out if THIS one might be THE one.

I disagree. Coulson's always been focused on Hydra. He engineered the coup that took out most of their remaining upper operatives just a few weeks ago.

Yeah, it was kind of a bummer that the one Inhuman Skye's mom sent to watch over her could generate lots of electricity.

It's been a running joke on NCIS since almost the very beginning, Abby being Abby and Gibbs being Gibbs. I remember one episode about halfway through the run, Gibbs got tired of saying it and just glared at her.

And if you happen to actually read the negative reviews, I never got a "hate" vibe off of the ones I've read so far. Mainly that the film doesn't somehow "expand" the genre to the extent they'd like.

Between that and the "Avengers comic was utter crap for decades," I'm glad it's you and not me :-)

::shrug:: They can't use mutants. And they don't have the budget to do two superhero fight effects every episode.

Exactly. The OP is trying to paint all of the reviewers here, when it's only a handful who immediately start out with it. Sadly, one of those tends to do a lot of the reviews of the shows I like, so I have to read about it ad nauseum.

From what I've read of the reviews of A2, Whedon does his best to try to make up for the crap he put Hawkeye through in the first film.