
Or maybe he doesn't want to spend the time and effort trying to explain to them about Project Tahiti and convince them he's the "real" Coulson.

Yeah, that puts him almost in Tony Stark territory as one of the most dangerous - to both good and evil - inventors currently going.

I'm going with the old "more people know than care about such things" chestnut. Just like religion and going to church every Sunday. A lot of people respect the tradition, but, in the end, just don't care enough to make waves if they know another member claims to, yet goes fishing on Sundays instead.

I think he's Skye's mom's personal spy. He was at the dinner last week because Reina's cryptic words to him about Skye sounded prophetic, and after reporting back to her mom about it this time, she assigned him to watch out for her.

The only explanation I can think of is that Coulson knows about Ward's obsession with Skye and they came to some sort of an agreement off-camera.

That sounds about right. Not only does it have to try and be a film that works on its own, with something like 10 major players, but it's now the lynchpin to not only the next couple Avengers films, but maybe the next Thor and Cap films as well.

You bet. Only an obsessed dude would correct someone on the number of times he was shot by his obsession :-)

85% on the rotten tomatoes website, last I looked. There are enough reviews in to think it will end up around there when the dust settles.

I'm hoping that they continue to trail the Hydra plane and Coulson's plan is to try and convince the rest of the other SHIELD into FINALLY figuring that Hydra is the real enemy here.

I thought there might be a clue when he opened that drawer in his office to pull out the old medic kit. In the original comics, he experimented on himself and in that drawer were some vials with some yellow liquid in them….

I like to think of it like the parable from the bible about one son throwing a tantrum because the other son was getting all the love when he came home.

Well, Cobie Smulders did let on that Maria Hill is going to make an appearance on AoS soon, so…

I'm thinking that maybe SHIELD clues the Avengers in on where Strucker is keeping Loki's staff, which leads directly into the initial scenes of AOU.

I'm more disappointed that there doesn't seem to be a running joke about it.


eh, the blue crew just won, what, eight games in a row?

As someone who has spent a good part of his time in Cajun Country swamps, nutria are great for target practice when the fish aren't biting.

Yeah, but the guy's a putz. A lovable one, but still…
He's just too damned good natured, when a healthy bit of cynicism might be good for him. Certainly with the kind of life/death situations he's getting into now.

I know this might piss off some Arrow fans, but it just seems to me that the writers on The Flash know how to get the best out of the Arrow characters. Maybe it's just the conflict in the tones of the two series, but both Felicity and Laurel were much more likable in the last two Flash episodes than I've found them

Yep. More likely is that the original Wells and his scientist buddy gave some up while living in Sterling City, maybe as required by the scientific community to get grants and such.