
I think maybe the hand reader had something to do with vibrations, which might be why it let both Wells and Barry have access.

Even Gotham can't dent that enthusiasm, eh?

Well, in this case, the way Barry eats, I doubt it's going to go to waste.

Funniest thing about this episode is that every time it seemed Barbara was in danger, they cut it like we actually cared.

Yeah, it looks like whomever copied this one here wanted us to be able to read the dialogue without ruining our eyes :-)

Only one of the few retro things about this one. The cover logo they're using is based on the one most Legion fans will recognize from the '70s/'80s.

Well, there's a gendered element to just about everything in Westeros, from what I can tell. Especially amongst royalty.

They only do one of these for both Friday and Saturday shows. There's usually not enough new programming on Saturdays to warrant it.

Eh, it was okay. I didn't think the main bad guy was all that campy, at least not in the way, say, Jamey Sheridan was in "The Stand."

The former. Complements of Dean Winchester.

No. Wanda and Pietro joined during the mid-60s and while Pietro left soon after, Wanda stuck around, in one form or another, until the '80s. While Hank Pym had multiple identities with the group, Janet was pretty off and on during much the same time frame.

I'd be more concerned about all those inmates wandering the hallways in the prison/jail/whatever it was.

Yeah, Cisco's discovery that Deathbolt evidently wasn't created by the particle plot device seems to fit more into the overall Flash story anyway.

I always figured that it was a kind of a repopulation thing rather than just creating Inhumans willy nilly. Unless SHIELD had an awful lot of them hidden away somewhere we've not seen or Afterlife has a lot more powered Inhumans than we've seen, I really don't think there's as many of them as, say, mutants.

One of The Hills Have Eyes films IIRC.

Yeah, now all we need is a Jeffrey Donovan voice over explaining it all while Fitz is doing it.

Considering her lame-brained "real" SHIELD agent second disobeyed her direct order and fired real bullets at Skye, I imagine that she considers herself lucky as well as a little bit guilty.

They'll all get together and throw rotten apples at Fury.

I'll watch youtube clips if there's a guest I'm interested in seeing. For instance…..

The ratings are bound to be disappointing no matter how good the show gets because it goes up against a NCIS show every week. But for what it's worth, the demo ratings seem to be holding steady in the latter half of this season.