
This was a problem in the comics too. When the Avengers were formed, it was a good old boy's club because, well, Earth's Mightiest Heroes at the time were all dudes. Then the happy accident was Wanda and for a few decades she made more Avengers appearances than any other character.

I just think it sucks that the one character I'm looking forward to the most is the one they steadfastly refuse to show in any clips for more than a second or two.

I always figured that the early Wanda's mutant "hex" power was that she'd point at an opponent and something randomly "bad" would happen to them. I always thought it'd be funny if, say, one of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants suddenly developed a bad case of acne in the middle of a fight.

heh, this is SHIELD. They probably had cell phones back in the 80s :-)

If you're talking about the white bread Inhuman, I don't think there was any telepathy there. He was just remembering what Reina told him about her "nightmare" earlier in the episode. It was easy to forget because it came in early at about the 20 minute mark.

Yeah, since my parents wouldn't let me see the film, they bought me the book instead :-)

Yeah, I bet half the audiences for that were horny teens who either faked IDs or snuck in…or their fathers.

Locke lying about the C4 was kind of a douche thing to do, but I had no problem with him pushing Patchy through the invisible fence. It fit right in with his indignation with Ben next episode about "cheating." Once Mikhail let on about how much he actually knew, it just made him angrier. And, of course, he lied

While I agree with you about Coulson and company helping uncover Strucker and company, I just don't see Skye joining the big leagues this year.

Everyone except Iris.

Or the "bad writing" might have been earlier stuff they're trying awkwardly to correct. As a LOST fan, that's something else I've gotten used to :-)

And here now I feel guilty about thinking of the natural denizens of the European/Asian mountains.

heh, maybe he and Fury think of them as "substitute Avengers," to plug the holes when the higher-paid actors get ejected or choose to leave :-)

I've felt like that quite often while trying to watch The Walking Dead night scenes. Problem there is that even the audio is muted some of the time.

Yeah, but I think the guys running the current MCU hope we all forget that :-)

Yeah, that's pretty much it. When you get moved from management to the very top, it tends to change your demeanor. Way more responsibility and hardly anyone else you can confide in. That's why him losing May (assuming it happens) is gonna hurt.

Well, in this case, it's not something she can control, though I'm guessing they might have her "train" to try and do it. Random glimpses while sleeping isn't generally very useful.

Oh, I'm sure they didn't plan it all to work out that seamlessly, but they had dropped hints that she hated the nickname and that whatever it was that she did caused her to give up field work.

So far as lines go, I was always partial to the one where Augustine, after listening to Boyd talk, mentioned something about having to get a "hillbilly dictionary."

I'm hoping that the producers of The Gunslinger (assuming it ever gets made), look towards him when casting Randall Flagg.