He bought helicopters to get that woman. She is not actually a prostitute, she is just attracted to money and aviation.
...coming soon, Randy’s private stash! THE USB DRIVE “THEY” DON’T WANT YOU TO GUSH OVER.
To try and prove he’s NOT A GAMER, and this is a frivolous lawsuit. Idiotic.
...Well then we rob the ship. Seems like a perfect opportunity.
So can every time you report on a blue lobster can you stop using stock photos of crayfish? I know this is click bait shit, but COME ON.
That’s a photo of a fucking crayfish you idiots.
Billie’s pivot to “2020's madonna” is pretty hilarious to watch from a distance. She’s a 19 year old girl. Leave her alone. She’s gonna go through some pretty big swings here in the next decade. This is why nobody stands up and shouts “BUT THE 19 YEAR OLDS SAY WE SHOULD DO THIS”.
Small percentage of the population as a whole, would need to see actual statistics to support a multi-million dollar game targeting a small market for inclusion.
All the games are solid action games.
Oh god please no. This is a children’s game....
This is why wrench turners remain wrench turners. Stay down dregs! KAKAW!
ungh, I fucking hate the rampages. It’s the one thing about this game that just kills it for me. I cringe every forced rampage I have to do.
It’s hideous. Thanks. No more Michael Bay techno-virus CGI bullshit.
The joke is Kamala Harris’ career was started by her affair with then mayor of SF.
I love how you keyboard warriors are dissecting the one punch man workout like any of you would even try it for a week. lol.
Just start the race war and let’s see where the chips fall. I’m tired of being told being white is something shameful. The world is full of soft, sensitive shitheads.
They had health “Chiclets”, like the little rectangles. lol. IN BAR FORM. Gamer’s bitch about everything.
OOOOOOHHHHH you read my mind....that and an official light gun from Nintendo. AND HOW AREN’T YOU GONNA PACKAGE THIS WITH HOTD2?????
FEZ is amazing, unfortunately the Fish man is an unapologetic asshat douche. lol.