
Well at least it’s not flash?  

Unpopular opinion: Since cramming grossly pork’d up bills through without the slightest chance anyone reads them is the norm, they should read all the fuckin’ bills out loud and broadcast it to the American people.

God, I love these batshit crazy girls....

Rodgers has consistently dated girls into “having lots of sex”, so it’ll be interesting to see where it goes once that dies down. I love the shit out of my wife, but we are lucky to squeeze in 2-3 times a week with the kiddos on the prowl.  The days of laying in bed all day on a Sunday and just casually boning all day

*2 years and a month ago.

Dammit I paid 3 bucks for Tomb Raider just a week ago.  LOL.  How’s greedfall?  I heard good things-ish? 

Turns out, people ruin comedy.  

...but seriously...where are these white women?  The one’s with the large breasteses?  

As someone playing on a base PS4, I can confirm - the game runs and looks like dog shit.  And you know what?  It’s not good.  I said it.  It’s a boring, bloated FPS that shoe horns in stealth and poor gunplay.  HOORAY! 

150 DOLLAR FLANNEL SHIRT!?!? Get the fuck outta here...

150 DOLLAR FLANNEL SHIRT!?!? Get the fuck outta here...

Boy Chris Pratt really 180'd from that lovable fat schlub on parks n rec to this current right wing monster with politics in his future.  

Looks like a seizure. 

....more like the hollywood elite demanding she stay in jail.  

They are hella fun, but just don’t try to go long distance.  

Ya. Microsoft is still weirdly not focused on games....? a lot of you I said to myself....”ya know, I’ve never played Xenoblade and I should probably pick it up if it’s THIS good....”....DON’T WORRY, NINTENDO STILL HOLDING 60 DOLLAR PRICE POINT ON IT.  Fuckin’ hell.  

Wait....this game is already out?  And it has DLC ready?  lol....seems like it landed with a whimper.  

Yep, that’s what I have. 

So I have a MEGA MAN 2 joystick box and it plays surprisingly well for what it is....