
I don’t care if it makes me “look good”, it’s comical to put your faith in politicians or any system that you directly cannot control.  At least I didn’t tell you that this country is fucked because we went away from Jesus, or some other right wing garbage. 

dude, FUCK THIS GUY.  Seriously....FUCK HIM.  I hope his career and life are ruined and he spends a large chunk in jail.  It’s fucking gross.  “TWO WHITE GUYS IN MAGA HATS WRAPPED A NOOSE AROUND MY NECK” a white guy?  I’m fucking furious over this shit.  Charges of racism have become a joke, it’s a publicity


“IF”? Really? If this was...oooooh let’s say MEL you think you’d give him the same sort of disbelief? Give me a break....white, brown, black, gay, straight, alien....this dude lied and needs fried. Do you realize how bad this will be for black people’s constant charge of “institutional racism”? Think

....really?  You think the Chicago PD somehow has crafted this narrative?  REALLY?  LOL.  OK.  

I really want to emphasize that this guy knew his attackers (allegedly paid them) who were from Nigeria, and he STILL went out of his way to allege that TWO WHITE GUYS IN MAGA HATS THREW A NOOSE AROUND HIS NECK. You wonder why white people are sick of hearing about racism and how awful we are? Go fuck yourselves.

Yes exactly. At least I’m getting some decent returns on investments now. Make some money and then get the hell out. Why people needlessly complain about shit, to which they’ll do nothing about, and then think some magical fairy politician is gonna come down from the heavens and anoint them out of poverty is beyond

Because he’s dumb or thinks he is too smart. 

Can we fucking acknowledge that he said “WHITE MEN” beat him up?  WHITE.  MEN.  I love how the fucking news media dumped this fact.  

You are gonna lose again.  Democrats can’t unite the base.  It’s a splintered mess of groups claiming to be more “outraged” than the next group.  

The democrats can’t unite there base, the GOP may be slack-jawed yokels, but they’ll vote en masse for whoever they are told to vote for.  We got 4 more years.  Enjoy.  

...You’re so dumb to reject the only shot the democrats have.  I’m sure it’s a petty and dumb reason, too.  Because some bullshit about BEING A WOMAN, or some shit.  Good luck.  Enjoy 4 more years of the Trumpster.  Democrats couldn’t even order a in n’ out burger without fucking it up.  

Oh calm down. We were fucked before this, now it’s just very visible and entertaining.  

Boy, for being the FBI, these guys sure like to talk A LOT about stuff...

There’s nothing like taking the NFL waste and adding a little desperation, then loosening the rules so they kill each other in a blood sport.  NOW THIS IS FOOTBALL.  

...Nascar is so stupid.

I have no interest in Star Wars in current state.  Video games, movies, whatever...go hype yourself.  

Is anyone even playing this anymore?  ...let alone enough to buy (not so great) toys?

It’s the Norwegian blood, they are the remnants of the viking settlements. Minnesota is the same way.  Plus they are all farmers who wrestle in pig shit all day.  

There’s no money in furniture.  Trust me...even shitty mail order sofas.  

There’s no money in furniture.  Trust me...even shitty mail order sofas.