...but why? LOL.
...but why? LOL.
perfect commentary. We are done here.
I really felt like the demos were “nothing special”...but again, I’m probably not the “core” audience for this game.
Art 2 is no master of relations, not sure what we are trying to accomplish here.
Bingo. Took the money and ran after it appears his career is over.
I thought Kapernike was trying to “change the world”...apparently it was a payout. He turned down the AAF (after asking for 25 mil lol) so it’s not playing football and using that platform...what a joke.
It’s going to the wall.
Switch has made my PS4 go silent...especially with it appearing that the PS4 first party era is over with all likelihood of the big 3 left (Last of Us 2, Death Stranding, Ghosts of Tshushima...rah...whatever) going to be cross platform/PS5 releases.
it’s 20 dollars....I’ve spent 20 dollars on random garbage...
Can you imagine? Pairing the option with the LABO piano!?!?!
dude, it’s definitely going to require the subscription. That’s a given.
Metroid Prime Trilogy HD no show kinda hit me in the gut...all the hype and rumors had me banking on it. Sigh....they got a TON of great games coming out so I’ll just be patient and wait. But it’s allegedly DONE...so how long can they hold it????? E3? Next year? Just release it! I still don’t understand why they…
I dated a girl in high school that “squirted”, but she never really “gushed” it was more like - I had an orgasm and my pussy got so wet it seeped out and puddled up on the sheets - which at that age - 16-18, I was too young to understand what was going on. It’s real, but the porn stuff where it shoots out? Definitely…
DID WE EXPECT ANY LESS? lol...We all knew this game was a trainwreck. Microsoft should release a new hardware iteration...the XBOX1X.2v666 special edition S so the XBOX heads have something to waste money on in light of the total lack of games worth playing on that platform. Sony’s victory lap has been a 2 year long…
Ya’ll insane, BOXBOY is the real prize of this direct....fight me, I don’t care. I love those games. I literally squeeled when I saw YOU COULD PLAY AS DOUBLE SIZE BLOCK DUDE.
Pretty sure Glover wrote his song first...
...Grammy’s didn’t have enough crack?
WTF is going on there....?? Is that...shitting...out...boxing gloves...huh? Leather? Don’t get me wrong, impressive work...but why?